"So you got to meet George!" James said. "Mister Jepson there, he's the owner."
Jocelyn smiled widely. "Yep. We met George Jepson," she said. "His boy, Elroy." Cameron jabbed her hard. Jocelyn, still smiling, mouthed, "What?"
"Okay, well, if you need anything, I'm always around. Just like the trees," James said. "Take it easy, ladies."
"Thank you!" Cameron said. Once Ranger James was gone, she gave Jocelyn a stern look.
Jocelyn grinned, chuckled. "Come on! You know that was funny."
"It was. But still!" she said and sighed. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just swallowed some water," Jocelyn said. "You want to go back to the cabin? I think I'm done for the day."
"I think that's a good idea."
Cameron grabbed her towel, wrapped herself, and they headed back with Sancho following at their side.
They both looked into the forest, searching in all directions, but there was no sign of the park ranger.
The sky was perfect black.
Sancho rested outside, ahead of the cabin door, keeping guard over the entrance and the old blue van.
Inside, Jocelyn and Cameron lay together, holding each other under the sheet, on top of the sleeping bag, naked and cool on the warm summer night.
"I've never done that before," Jocelyn said. "Made love twice in one day."
"How was it?" Cameron asked.
"Awesome," Jocelyn said. "Ha! I'm even saying 'made love' instead of 'fucked.' That's the kind of effect you have on me, babe."
Cameron smiled. "I never thought I'd do something like this. I mean, I wanted it. And I'd fantasize about it. But I never believed it was possible, that I would be special enough for someone to love me and want me like that, the way you do."
"We sure are something, aren't we?" Jocelyn said. "Two educated young women in a wild, interracial romance, and it's all because you're so damn wonderful. And sexy as hell."
Cameron nuzzled against Jocelyn, swooned. "I was so scared. When I heard about that girls-only meeting, I thought, why not just paint a target on my back?" she said. "But then, I met you."
She glanced up as she exhaled, and in the dark, lightened by her adjusted vision, spotted something large skittering along the ceiling. It was the size of her hand and as black as the shadows around them. She stiffened, clutched the sheet.
Jocelyn noticed and sat up. "Hey. Is something wrong?"
"There's a huge bug," Cameron said in a whisper.
"Probably. We are in the woods."
"No, I mean really huge!"
She pointed at the ceiling and Jocelyn looked upward, searching amid the darkness. After a second, she scoffed and turned to Cameron. "You seriously need to relax," she said. "And I know just how to help you with that." Jocelyn leaned forward and licked along Cameron's collar and neck.
Cameron moaned and shuddered in Jocelyn's grip. "Joey! I love that so much!"
Jocelyn giggled. "Just remember to keep your mouth closed, or else it'll get filled up with bugs!"
"Oh, you jerk!"
Cameron, smiling, shoved her and they laughed together. After, they snuggled and kissed, holding each other so closely they could feel their heartbeats calm as one.
A strong breeze buffeted the cabin, the slight rustle outside creating a dreamy white noise. As the minutes passed, Cameron began to relax. She tried not to move. Jocelyn had fallen asleep on her and was breathing gently against her soft body. In that moment, she felt so loved and blissful she could write a song about it.
It was how she had always wanted her life to be.
She gazed at the ceiling. Something glistened above her. Her brow furrowed, certain the large insect was still there, at the fringe of the shadows, invisible in the night, and looking down, watching them. She soon began to drift, though, and forgot about it as she finally fell asleep.
Part III: The Forest
They awoke to a world bathed in golden light and ensconced in quiet, holding each other. A nice breakfast of kielbasa and scrambled eggs followed. Jocelyn gave Sancho some scraps, not sure what he ate,