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Stormy Weather
Book: Stormy Weather Read Online Free
Author: Marie Rochelle
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he watched Rachelle as she grabbed an electronic room key. She looked down at it and then back over her shoulder and at him.
    “I think this is pretty funny after the night you have been having.” She held the card out, waiting for him to take it.
    He glanced down at the card, noticing the number thirteen in black. “Despite the night that I have been having, I don’t believe in bad luck,” Cash said, taking the keycard from Rachelle.
    “Room Thirteen will be perfect. How can I be picky when you are doing something so nice for me? All I want to do is get something to eat because I’m starving, take a hot shower, then hit the bed and sleep for hours.” Cash didn’t realize how worn out he was until now. He wasn’t in the mood to do anything else but get his basic needs taken care of.
    Rachelle nodded. “Wonderful. There are two conferences next week and all of the rooms are booked then except for two...”
    Suddenly, the intrusive ringing of the telephone prevented Rachelle from finishing her conversation with him. “Let me get this and I’ll be right with you,” she told him, reaching for the phone.
    “Not a problem. Take your time. I’ll give you some privacy,” Cash said, moving away.
    Before answering the phone, she peeked at Cash’s retreating figure from the corner of her eye. She couldn’t help it as her gaze wandered over the fabric of his slacks and how it cupped his tight ass.
    How could she be attracted to a man who got robbed on the Greyhound bus?
    He didn’t have any money to pay for a room. Hell, she needed to get her act together fast! She wasn’t the impulsive sibling and she never allowed a handsome face to sway her mind when it came to Luxury .
    Had it really been that long since a hot guy had come within twenty feet of her?
    The phone rang again, but she wasn’t in any hurry to answer it. She already knew who was on the other end because her sisters called at the same time every night she worked. She swore her baby sisters acted like they were older.
    “Hello?” she answered on the fourth ring.
    “Hey, big sister, how are you doing?” Sasha asked cheerfully. “What took you so long to pick up? Were you doing something that you shouldn’t be? I knew you were ready to strip that good girl image away and become one of us.”
    She laughed. “I could work at it for a lifetime and never become like the three of you. I need a manual to follow the half of the activities my little sisters do on a daily basis. Do you have me on speaker phone with Akisha and Genise?”
    She hated when Sasha did that because when her sisters, who were triplets, all started talking at once it was hard to keep up with them.
    “You know that we do it all the time,” Genise replied, interrupting the conversation. “Why do you constantly ask that? We aren’t ever going to change because we know that you love us just the way we are.”
    “I know the three of you aren’t,” Rachelle sighed, “but I can always dream that one day my little sisters will grow up and act like adults.”
    “Rachelle, will you stop talking to Genise for a minute,” Akisha said, “so I can ask you something? Why am I always the last one who gets to talk to you? Maybe sometimes I want to be first.”
    “If you weren’t so slow maybe I wouldn’t beat you to the punch every single time,” Genise snapped back.
    “Shut up! I don’t want to hear you,” Akisha screamed back. “I’m still mad at you for what you did yesterday when we went out shopping. You knew that I wanted those pair of black leather boots, but you snatched them just as I was about to reach for them.
    “I’ve been waiting months for that exact pair to go on sale. I told you more than once how much I loved them. You knew it and didn’t care at all. Sometimes I hate that you’re my sister.”
    “I hate you, too,” Genise added. “It wasn’t my fault I was faster than you. You shouldn’t have glanced at the cute guy that walked past us
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