Torn Read Online Free

Book: Torn Read Online Free
Author: Christina Brunkhorst
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married , he reminded himself, his eyes falling to the gold band on his own left hand. So am I . He blinked, suddenly realizing that for the first time since his marriage, his focus had actually been on the woman in his arms during the scene, rather than on his actual wife.
    “Or you could bring them to the set, we’ve got a day care system set up here,” Julie was saying as Tyler brought his attention back to the conversation. “What are their names again?”
    Chelsea smiled. “Faye and Grace.”
    “Yes, if Jake can’t look after Faye and Grace tomorrow, bring them with you.”
    “All right,” Chelsea acquiesced.
    The director nodded, satisfied, her head turning at the sound of her name being called. “See you tomorrow then!” she said, and waved before walking away.
    Tyler and Chelsea looked at each other. Tyler was the first to break the silence. “Congratulations,” he said.
    Chelsea licked her lips, unintentionally calling his attention back to them. They were red and swollen from his kiss.
    “Thanks,” she murmured. She noticed that at some point, he’d wiped off the subtle lipstick color she wore from his mouth, but it still looked… branded. Like she’d staked a claim somehow, by kissing him. Forcing her gaze elsewhere, Chelsea glanced over at the crew, watched them prepare for tomorrow’s shoot.
    They both spoke simultaneously, then laughed softly. “You first.” Tyler conceded, taking off the duster and strategically draping it over an arm.
    “Well, I… I was wondering if you’d like to come to my home for dinner this evening? Meet the girls, and Jake…”
    “My husband.” A gentle reminder.
    “It wouldn’t be anything fancy, just elk steaks. Beer.” Chelsea licked her lips again, nervously, not seeing Tyler’s eyes darken as they followed the pink tip of her tongue. “U-Unless you have plans?”
    He was having a harder time than usual getting his mind off of the silky, seductive memory of her mouth on his. He shook his head to clear it. What was she talking about? Dinner, that’s right. Tyler shuddered and winced as he thought of the miserable fare offered by the hotel’s room service. Because of the unusual and long work hours of filming, most restaurants were closed whenever he was free. Fast food, when it was open, was an option he frequently took advantage of, but Lord, did it have to be so close to the highway? Any more autographs at that place and he would have carpal tunnel.
    There was one all-night grocery –– amazingly enough –– but by the time he was done for the day, he was usually too exhausted to buy groceries, haul them back to the hotel, and cook up something edible in his suite’s miniscule kitchenette. The thought of an actual, home-cooked –– and not by him! –– meal made his mouth water.
    Plus there was the added bonus of not having to eat either alone or with a film crew. It would be nice to visit with non-Hollywood people. It didn’t take much for the L.A. scene to get old. He trusted the film crew, his fellow actors and enjoyed spending time with most of them. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. But what other options did he have out here in… What was the name of this town again? Oh, right. Black Creek.
    His thoughts came back around to the young lifesaver in front of him. By the faint rosy hue on her smooth cheeks and the embarrassed look in her pretty eyes, he’d taken too long to respond. Oops. He opened his mouth, “I ––“
    Chelsea noticed his flinch, saw him shake his head, and was surprised at how disappointed she felt. To hide it, she cut him off before he could refuse. “You’re probably busy. That’s cool. Maybe some other time.” She looked down at herself, remembering that she was still in costume. “I’d better go change,” she murmured, then turned to go. She stopped when she felt Tyler’s hand on her shoulder.
    “Wait… I was going to say that I would
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