Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come Read Online Free

Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come
Book: Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come Read Online Free
Author: Audra Allensworth
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
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was going to stand there and let them consume one another then come after me. My sister, Mary, was not in the best health and I know for a fact that even if I could have gotten her out of there, that it would have been hell trying to keep her healthy and well. But even that wasn’t an option, not after Dad had bitten them.”
    Beth looked over at the door, “Dad had come back and was on top of Mom, and Mary was right in the middle, so all I could do was save them all. So now they are all together somewhere where there are no infected, no fear of being attacked, no wondering where their next meal is coming from or wondering where they will have to move to be safe and secure. Furthermore, think about this….. Heath is up there with his son and my family looking down at us. They’re our guardian angels, on the other side, which gives me hope that somehow if we do make it through this nightmare then we will owe them a large debt of thanks.”
    Tabitha felt the tears fall down her face as she fell onto Beth’s lap, “You’re right Beth…. like it or not ….. You are right and that is a very good way of looking at things. I just wish that things would have been different and I would have been able to keep him around with me for a while longer, ya know?”
    Beth started running her fingers through Tabitha’s hair, “I know sweetie….I know... but you still have a few people out there right now that need you and you need them. Especially Alden, he is still healing. Ceara pulled his ass out of the fire today, we almost lost him and if there is anything that we can learn from this, it’s that we must not let our guards down anymore. It’s just the six of us again…..”
    Tabitha sat up and wiped the tears from her eyes, “Poor Maximus….. Heath was trying so hard…. and if Red would of….”
    Beth with a very stern voice spoke up, “Stop right there, Tabitha. Things happened the way that they did and we can’t go on blaming or playing the ‘would of, should of’ game all day because doing that will just cause you and us more harm than good.”
    Tabitha shut her mouth and looked towards the door for what seemed to be the longest time then finally spoke softly, “I am not mad at Red…. just confused, hurt, tired, hungry and just plain wore out if that makes sense.”
    Beth stood and looked down at Tabitha, “Then shall we say, let’s just take this one step at a time. No one is asking you to go a mile or give a speech. Just be kind and simply think, or try to think, before you speak because too much has happened. Somewhere things need to start getting back on track and we have done well in the past few weeks.”
    Slowly Beth walked over to the door and opened it, “Now come on, you need to show me how awesome this rabbit stew is that you’re going to make or we can make whatever you want to make out of it.”
    Tabitha got up then made her way over to the door with Beth, “Thank you Beth. I can’t make you any promises right now …. Except, I will continue to try to make it day by day, if that is alright?”
    Once more Beth put her arm around Tabitha’s shoulder and walked with her out the door, “Whatever it takes Tabitha…. that is all we can ask.”
    When Ceara had the entire cactus cut up, she mixed in a can of pineapples but didn’t know what else to do to it. Beth was in the room with Tabitha and the guys were all outside. As soon as she made the choice to go outside, Alden and Colt walked in, “Where’s Charlie?”
    “Checking the horses, making sure they have hay.” Alden set the can of peaches down, “Add those to the salad.”
    Ceara grabbed the can opener, within a couple minutes; she had the peaches mixed in. Just as she finished Tabitha and Beth joined them. Ceara looked to Tabitha then to the door, “I’m going to find Charlie.”
    She quickly left the house almost running into Charlie, “Whoa, where’s the fire?”
    “I just wondered where you were. It doesn’t take that long to
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