the time you're married, you'll be a billionaire. So they won't be able to get worried about you not having any money."
"Billy," I said with a frown, pushing through the strange haziness of the painkillers. "I said eight years ago that it wouldn't work. I'm not going to join a family that doesn't want me."
"What about joining a man who does want you and making your own family?" I gulped, grateful that the doctor had come back into the room. Billy was all I'd wanted for years, and here he was, ready to take me back to Austin and build the life we'd dreamed of so long ago. The nurse brought us the papers to sign out, and Billy helped me into a wheelchair, tenderly brushing my hair back over my neck. He began to push me out to the limo again, winding through the blank, sterile halls.
"You can take me home," I said, trying to keep my voice devoid of emotion. He either ignored me or didn't hear what I'd said.
"There's a ranch outside of Austin I've had my eye on. I'm in a big ass house downtown right now, but that ranch... The house has eight bedrooms, and there's two hundred acres of land. For cattle and horses. And goats... you always wanted to learn how to make goat cheese."
"Billy..." I said. I closed my eyes, seeing that old vision swirl before me.
"It's Joseph now. Or Joe. Billy is my father's name, and I ain't that type of man. I'm the type of man who wants to buy a ranch for the most beautiful woman in the world, the only woman I've wanted for the better part of a decade. And fill that whole damn house with kids. And I'll build you a dance studio right out front so we can teach all those kids how to dance. And you can do whatever kind of lessons you want. We can probably even bring a physical therapist out to the studio to get you all healed up. The ballet might not want you, but I do. You hear me?" He rolled the wheelchair up to the side of the limo and lifted me again, looking me in the eye.
"Billy... Joe, I mean. This is all a little much."
"Well, you were always a little much, Anita. Let's be a little much together." I stifled a laugh. He kissed me again, as if trying to absorb that laughter in his body. That shock ran through me again, and my body began to remember just how much I'd always wanted him... and how good those strong, rough hands could make me feel. He set me down in the limo, brushing my long skirt to the side so that the fabric didn't get caught on the bulky boot. His lips parted from mine, and he moved into the seat next to mine, bringing me close to his body and putting his arm around me. "Just tell me you'll consider it."
"I'll consider it," I said, sighing. Something about the faint buzz of morphine and the darkness overtaking the city had brought the romance back to me. I would never have guessed that this would all happen so quickly. My head swam with the thought of it. Before Billy Joe could say another word, I gave Donny the driver my address and told him to hightail it. I couldn't leave my foster pets for the night, no matter how fabulous this cowboy billionaire's hotel was. And I was betting it certainly was.
"You takin' me to your digs, Nita Lee? Do I get to see the fabulous Los Angeles home of the famous dancer and millionaire matchmaker?"
"Sure," I said. "You can even stay for five or ten minutes."
"Hell, that's no way to treat an old friend." He drew me closer into him, making my body ache with need. It had been so long since a man had touched me. And eight years since it was the man I loved had taken me and made me scream with pleasure. Donny drove up into the hills, turning around a corner.
"That's my tiny little house." I smiled at the look of the stucco. One dog and one cat were sitting at the front window, probably wondering where my car had been for the last few hours. "You can drop me here, and we can talk after you get back to Austin."
"If you think for one second I'm letting an injured woman stay by herself overnight, you've got another think