to shift and Madja would likely disapprove of him killing her anyway, Sevrrn was unsure how to react.
He tried to look at the situation objectively. The human woman, although annoying, was not any threat to him. Her proximity also gave him a unique view of her curiously rounded breasts, which was not wholly unwelcome. But what was it that she sought to gain from touching him, he wondered.
“ Excuse me .”
Were he not so acutely familiar with her by now, Sevrrn would not have recognized Madja’s voice. Her tone was very different than what he had grown accustomed to and when he looked over at her, he saw that she was very angry.
It did not take him long to realize why.
For nearly a full minute, this bizarre woman had distracted him from watching Madja.
Now, Sevrrn was angry as well.
Placing her hand none-too-gently on the woman’s shoulder, Madja gave her a small, but deliberate push. “Your services are not needed here.”
The woman’s red lips twisted. She looked Madja up and down before making a small noise and walking away in the direction of another male.
Momentarily, Sevrrn forgot his anger as curiosity rose to the surface. “She did not offer any services.”
“Did you see what she was wearing?” Madja hissed. She folded her arms under her breasts. “She was a whore .”
He had heard that word before. When was it? Ah, yes.
I don’t give away sex, I’m not a whore.
Madja had once said that to him.
“She wanted to give me sex?”
“She wanted to have sex with you for money,” Madja corrected.
That was intriguing. “She would pay to mate with me?”
This appeared to irritate Madja. “No, bonehead. You pay her .”
“That is absurd,” Sevrrn said, ignoring the insult.
Madja visibly relaxed.
Sevrrn went on to say, “Why would I ever pay a female for what you give me for free?”
Her face turning a rather unnatural shade of red, Madja jabbed a finger at his chest. “I don’t give you anything. I share my body with you because I love you.”
In an instant, all of the blood appeared to drain from her face. Sevrrn found himself feeling… concerned .
“Are you ill?” he asked.
“W-what?” she stammered, taking a step back.
“Your face. It keeps changing colors. And your pulse has rapidly accelerated.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, looking away from him. “It’s getting late. Can we go back to the inn?”
M adja was mortified .
She wasn’t sure what was worse, that she had told Sevrrn that she loved him or that Sevrrn hadn’t even noticed that she had told him that she loved him .
When she had seen the prostitute cozying up to Sevrrn, it had felt as though someone had dropped a pail of freezing water on her head. In that moment, two terrible things had occurred to her:
Madja wasn’t the only woman who found Sevrrn wildly appealing and she might not be the only woman that Sevrrn found wildly appealing.
Sevrrn’s lair was pretty much his universe. A universe in which she was the only female and he was the only male. Looking back, it was almost inevitable that they experienced some sort of sexual attraction to one another.
But now that they were out of their bubble and out in the real world, there were some pretty harsh realities for Madja to face. While his personality was borderline insufferable, he was physically the epitome of male perfection.
And she was, well…average.
Okay, she had a few redeeming qualities. There had been a lot of men who had wanted to marry her, mostly for what was left of her mother’s estate, but they had to like something about her, right?
Madja felt an awful ache in her chest. She knew that there were times when Sevrrn looked at her as though she were more beautiful than any of his treasures. But now that he was walking amongst other women, would he reconsider that assessment?
“ Frustrated ,” she heard him mutter.
Madja looked up in surprise. They had been walking in silence for some time. She