Picture Company (IMP), 202
Informer, The , 167
inmates, 86–87
“In My Little Wooden Shoes,” 171
In Old Kentucky , 97, 107, 152
Ireland, 131–32
Irwin, L. A., 170, 177
Jack Hylton and His Orchestra, 26
Jacobs, Floyd, 192
“jangler,” 111
Janis, Elsie, 224
Janis, Jennie Cockrell Bierbower, 224
ST look-alike contest in, 125
ST merchandise from, 148
ST’s fame in, 115
Jason, Sybil, 183
Jazz Singer, The , 67, 153
as outsiders, 130
persecution of, 132–33
prejudice against, 44
Johnson, Ellsworth “Bumpy,” 1
Johnson, Hiram, 32
Johnson, Hugh, 62
Johnson, Nunnally, 166
Johnston, Alva, 153
Johnston, Annie Fellows, 99
Jolson, Al, 162, 186
Jones, Jennifer, 238
Jordan, Charley, 18
Joslin, Theodore, 13, 16
Joy, Jason, 70
Junior Girls’ Club, 138
Just Around the Corner , 178–80, 226, 266 n
Kathleen , 237
Kelly, Fred, 127
Kelly, Gene, 127
Kent, Sidney, 67
Kid, The , 134
Kiddin’ Hollywood , 50
Kid in Africa , 52
Kidnapped , 214
kidnappings, 210–13
threats to ST, 213–15
Kipling, Rudyard, 161, 167, 170
Kiss and Tell , 238–39
Kiss for Corliss, A , 239
Kligman, Ruth, 129–30
“Knocked ’Em in the Old Kent Road,” 183
Koehler, Ted, 270 n
Korean War, 241
Krieger, Gertrude, see Temple, Gertrude Krieger
Krieger, Maude, 8, 48, 51, 241
Kugler, Victor, 133
Ladies’ Home Journal , 138, 221
Laemmle, Carl, 202
Lahr, Bert, 179, 190
Lamont, Charles, 47, 51–52
Landon, Alf, 43
Lange, Dorothea, 1
Laughton, Charles, 209
Lawrence, Florence, 202
“Lay-De-O,” 190
Lee, Gypsy Rose, 224
Le Gon, Jeni, 94
LeHand, Marguerite “Missy,” 42
Lemus, Renzi B., 110–11
Leslie, Elsie, 53
Levine, Peter David, 212
Liber, Benzion, 225
Lieberman, Ruth, 38
Liebling, A. J., 127
Lincoln, Abraham, 107–8, 112, 189, 244
FDR compared to, 35
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 210, 212
Lindbergh, Charles, 210, 211
Lindbergh, Charles, Jr., kidnapping of, 210–13
Lin Yutang, 115
Little Caesar , 153, 204
Little Colonel, The , 89, 97, 98–103, 102 , 144, 152, 153, 155, 163, 168, 226
Little Diplomat, The , 186
Little Eva (char.), 164–65
Little Lord Fauntleroy , 53, 214
Little Miss Broadway , 139, 176–79
Little Miss Marker , 75–78, 76 , 82, 89, 152, 155, 159, 218, 224
Little Orphan Annie , 157
Little Princess, The , 53, 87, 159, 161, 181–84, 182 , 209, 226, 282 n
Littlest Rebel, The , 89, 97–99, 100 , 103–9, 108 , 112, 155, 161, 163, 168, 227, 269 n
“Little Three” motion picture corporations, 65–66
Little Women , 167
“Living in a Great Big Way,” 94–95, 98, 267 n
Lloyd’s of London, 210
Locke, Alain, 109–10
Loew’s, Inc., 65–66
Long, Huey, 44, 256 n
look-alike contests:
Jackie Coogan, 135
Shirley Temple, 5, 123–32, 124
Lord, Daniel A., 68
Los Angeles Times , 191, 203
Louisville Courier-Journal , 64
Loy, Myrna, 117
Lyle, Bessie, 106
MacArthur, Charles, 49
MacArthur, Douglas, 240
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 186–88, 190
make-believe, 132–33
malnutrition, 18–19
“March of the Wooden Soldiers, The,” 174
Marsh, Mae, 195
Marshall, Herbert, 220
Martin, Joseph W., 42
Masante, Silvio, 279 n –80 n
Matthews, Ralph, 110
May, Lary, 71–72, 262 n
Mayer, Louis B., 181, 185
McCarthy, Joseph, 243
McCrae, Joel, 161
McDaniel, Hattie, 89, 100
McGlynn, Frank, Sr., 107
McHugh, Jimmy, 94
McLaglen, Victor, 160 , 161–62, 167, 169
Meglin Kiddies, 46, 48
Memoirs (Hoover), 17
Mencken, H. L., 43
Menjou, Adolphe, 76–78, 76 , 218, 238
Mercer, Lucy, 24
merchandising, ST licensed products in, 5, 82, 83, 120, 126, 131, 137, 138, 141–48, 200, 229, 235
Merriam, Frank, 116
Merrily Yours , 141
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) studios, 26, 65, 70, 181, 186, 231, 237, 241
Metropolitan Theatre, 203
Mexican Americans, 72
Meyers, Gabriel, 118
Michton, Morris, 141
“Migrant Mother” (Lange), 1
Miller, Arthur C., 159
Minter, Mary Miles (Juliet Shelby), 104
Miss Annie Rooney , 237–38
“Miss Brown to You,” 95, 97 ,