poliomyelitis, of FDR, 23–26, 29–30, 171
Pollock, Jackson, 129
Polly Tix in Washington , 50, 50 , 52
“Polly-Wolly-Doodle,” 5, 105, 109
Poor Little Rich Girl , 155, 173, 174, 181, 213, 287 n
Pour Vous , 125
poverty, poor:
pride and, 79–80
ST appeal to, 117–18, 146–47
Poverty Row, 48, 51
Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr., 112
Powell, Sterling, 214
Powell, William, 117
Power, Tyrone, 204
Depression coverage in, 13
FDR’s relationship with, 32–33, 41, 43
Hoover’s antagonism toward, 16, 32
and Lindbergh kidnapping, 210–11
sensationalist, 210–13
ST coverage in, 5, 52, 119
see also specific publications
pride, masculinity and, 77–80
Prince and the Pauper, The (Twain), 53
blurring of line between celebrity and, 201–2, 205, 233
right to, 200–201
ST’s lack of, 206–10, 214–17
“Private Life of Shirley Temple, Wonder Child of the Screen, The,” 220
Production Code Administration (PCA), 69
Public Enemy, The , 153
publicity stunts, 202
Purachatra Jayakara, Prince of Siam, 116
Quaker Oats, 138
Quigley, Martin J., 70
in American culture, 33–34, 193, 255 n
entertainment on, 48, 157
FDR’s use of, 32–40, 44–45
Hoover’s delivery on, 16–17, 21, 36
Nazi use of, 44–45
ST’s broadcast threat, 217
Radio City Music Hall, 103
Radio-Keith-Orpheum (RKO), 65–67, 93, 94
Rainger, Ralph, 95
Rand, Ellen Emmet, 42
ransoms, 210
Raymond, Gene, 267 n
Reaching Juvenile Markets: How to Advertise, Sell, and Merchandise through Boys and Girls (Grumbine), 137
Reagan, Ronald, 238
Rebecca , 237
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm , 161, 172–76, 180, 181, 224–25, 266 n
Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 14
Reebok, Ann, 144
Republican party, 9–10, 13, 20, 26, 32, 36, 38, 42, 43, 59, 90, 189, 194, 228, 244
Rice, Thomas D., 97
Ricketson, Frank H., Jr., 123
Rieff, Philip, 243
Rin-Tin-Tin, 154
Roach, Hal, 157
Robinson, Bill “Bojangles,” 88–113, 92 , 97 , 108 , 175
African American assessment of, 110–13
critical acclaim for, 94–95, 267 n
dancing of, 4, 91, 93, 95–96, 98, 100–101, 107, 270 n
death and funeral of, 112–13
and FDR, 90–91, 112
joy projected by, 93, 96
philanthropy of, 110
as proponent of civil rights, 111–12
racist constraints on, 109
smile of, 2, 89, 91, 96, 111, 112, 113
staircase dance of, 101–3, 102
stereotyping of, 91, 93, 96–97
in ST films, 88–89, 106, 174, 179, 266 n , 268 n ; see also specific films
temper of, 111–12, 271 n
Robinson, Elaine, 112
Robles, June, 212
Rockefeller, Nelson, 116
Rogers, Ginger, 162, 224
Rogers, Lela, 224, 250 n
Rogers, Will, 12–13, 17, 39–40, 97–98, 152, 154, 251 n , 261 n , 268 n
Rolph, James “Sunny Jim,” 26
Romero, Cesar, 161, 168
Rooney, Mickey, 198
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 4, 23, 24, 25, 40, 59, 80, 116, 146–47, 227
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 3 , 4, 14, 189, 198, 253 n , 257 n , 261 n
African American support for, 90, 94
attempted assassination of, 29
background of, 22–23
critics and opponents of, 43, 45
cultivation of charisma by, 22–25, 27, 33, 37–38, 40, 45
deliberate speaking style of, 256 n
Depression recovery strategy of, 1–3, 6, 21, 29–32, 34–45, 69, 77, 148
fictional film version of, 59, 61
first inauguration of, 28 , 29–31, 34–40, 59, 254 n
humor of, 41, 42, 43–44
Hundred Days innovations of, 21, 31–32
laugh of, 42
in New York politics, 14, 22–23, 26, 36
in 1932 election, 19–20
optimism and confidence projected by, 27, 31, 34–39, 45, 59
polio contracted by, 23–26, 29–30, 171
Robinson and, 112
smile of, 2, 6, 22–25, 27, 31, 32, 34–35, 38, 40–44, 59, 89, 243
ST’s meeting with, 59, 60 , 64, 116, 243
suspicion and fear of, 44
use of media by, 21, 32–40, 44–45
voice of, 36–40, 45
Roosevelt, James, 25, 29
Roosevelt, Sara, 25
Roosevelt, Theodore, 23, 141, 153, 253 n
Rosita , 203
Ross, Charley, 212
Roxy Theatre, 66
Runt Page , 49, 50, 78
Runyon, Damon, 75, 77