The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance Read Online Free Page A

The Sweetest Taboo: An Unconventional Romance
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going to need you to get it together.”
    Although His tone was clipped and not at all malicious, the piercing look He gave kisa indicated He was serious.
    kisa heeded His warning and calmed down, silently sobbing while she held my hand.
    “Don’t you die on me, micah,” she said as tears streamed down her face. “i shouldn’t have asked you to come here. This is all my fault.”
    Oh geez, i didn’t want kisa to feel like she was responsible for what was happening. my asthma attack could have happened anywhere. Since i couldn’t respond, i squeezed her hand, hoping she knew i didn’t blame her for my predicament.
    The ambulance finally arrived and the crowd thinned, allowing the EMTs to pass. The floor seemed to rumble like something mighty was heading straight for me. i caught a glimpse of a yellow-and-black box just before it was placed out of my sight. A man knelt beside my handsome Stranger, but my attention was drawn to the squeak and moan of rubber and metal. i jumped when a gurney fell into my line of sight.
    The man to my right took my arm and strapped me to some sort of portable blood-pressure machine. While the device constricted my arm, the EMT asked questions i couldn’t physically answer. my handsome Stranger was ready, though. The EMT raised his eyes from my arm and looked at my Hero. His eyes bugged out and his mouth fell open to utter what sounded like “Doctor Thomas.” The EMT started to say something else, but my handsome Stranger slowly shook His head. Whatever just happened set the EMT back to his task.
    Wait, did he say “Doctor” or was that my imagination? i was a wee bit delirious after all.
    “Look, don’t ask any questions,” the Stranger directed. “Let’s just stabilize her and get her to Kincaid Metro’s ER. I’ll take over until we can get a pulmonologist to assist.”
    kisa looked over to Him, clearly confused. “You’re a Doctor?” she asked.
    “I am, and if you’re accompanying your friend to the emergency room, we’ve got to move now.”
    It wasn’t my imagination and i wasn’t delirious. He was a Doctor.
    Although things could have gone horribly wrong, i felt fortunate that my Hero was a Physician. At least if things took a turn for the worse, He had the training to save my life.
    i was lifted onto the stretcher and wheeled out of Spanxxx with kisa and the handsome Doctor flanking me. i saw kisa grab my clutch and blazer and was thankful she had a cool enough head to remember my belongings. The contents of my clutch were sprawled out on the floor, but luckily there wasn’t much of value other than my ID, twenty dollars, and the keys to my apartment. One paramedic hopped into the driver’s seat of the ambulance while the other loaded me into the back of the cab. kisa and the Doctor quickly followed.
    Once we were inside the ambulance, the Doctor rifled through compartments. When He found what He was looking for, which turned out to be a small vial filled with a clear liquid, He grabbed pair of latex gloves and a syringe while kisa and i looked on. He put on the gloves before hiking up my skirt, unclipping my garter belt, and rolling my thigh-high down to my knee. He used an alcohol swab to sterilize a portion of my upper thigh.
    i knew what was coming next and i was deathly afraid of needles. Despite being told not to panic, i couldn’t help but take frantic breaths.
    The Doctor immediately noticed the change in my breathing pattern, and His facial expression registered alarm.
    For a big Guy, the handsome Doctor moved pretty fast. He filled the syringe with the clear liquid while the second paramedic grabbed an oxygen mask and fiddled with a few dials.
    i tried my best not to get worked up, but i couldn’t stop thinking about the needle that was about to pierce my skin. i glanced up and once again focused on the Doctor’s lips as He spoke.
    “This is epinephrine. It’ll pacify your symptoms until we can get you to the hospital. Just continue to breathe
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