through your mouth in short spurts as I instructed,” He said while administering the drug into my thigh.
kisa sat quietly watching it all unfold as the paramedic placed the oxygen mask over my face. The small pinch wasn’t as bad as i’d thought it would be.
i hadn’t realized we’d started moving until the sirens roared to life and the cabin began to sway. The oxygen helped my labored breathing, but danger still lurked, if the way the handsome Doctor watched me was any indication.
Once satisfied that my breathing was stabilizing, the Doctor finally acknowledged the paramedic who recognized Him at Spanxxx. “I’m off duty, Jason. I saw a woman in distress and went to help her. My reason for being at Spanxxx is no one’s business.”
my gaze volleyed between the two men. This was kinda juicy.
The paramedic fiddled with my oxygen and the Doctor frowned at me. i guess in my nosiness, my breathing picked up.
The Doctor patted my arm and left His hand there. The weight of His paw-size hand pressed onto my flesh, sending a warmth through me.
He turned His attention back to the paramedic—Jason—and spoke in a much softer tone. “What I do in My private life is just that: private. I didn’t violate any hospital policies and would appreciate it if you’d respect My privacy by never mentioning to anyone why I’m the admitting Physician for this patient on My day off. If asked, I was taking an evening stroll, saw an ambulance outside the club, and offered My assistance. Are we in agreement?”
Jason nodded. “Yes, Doctor Thomas, I understand. I’ll relay the information to Bobby when get to the ER.”
“Thank you, Jason,” the handsome Doctor replied while glancing down at me, His lips curled upward in a warm smile. If i didn’t know better, i’d think He was flirting . . . but there was no way. i was definitely delirious, but it was a nice thought if only for a moment. His smile definitely seemed a little more than friendly.
i watched the two men move silently and in tandem, attending to my needs while we rode to the hospital. Maybe it was anxiety over my present situation. Maybe i was without adequate air too long. Maybe there was something more than just oxygen coming through this mask. Whatever it was had me thoroughly confused by the time we pulled up to the emergency room.
They wheeled me up the access ramp with kisa and the Doctor following closely behind. Although i was pumped full of adrenaline, my eyelids became heavy as i was pushed through the sliding glass doors. i squinted and blinked to shield my eyes from the bright lights—and that was the last thing i remembered.
her Master
Well, so much for initiating conversation and maybe placing a bid on her at the auction. No better way to break the ice than saving a woman’s life.
her friend had called her micah. micah. An unusual but beautiful name for a female and it fit her perfectly. I soon found out her full name: micah marie foster. I chuckled at her initials, MMF. I’m a dirty, dirty Man.
It really was amazing the things You find out when You have access to a patient’s medical history. I was lucky; micah had been previously treated at Kincaid Metro for a sprained ankle. her gynecologist was also affiliated with the institution. As a Physician on micah’s medical team, I was privy to a wealth of information—some of it desired and some of it irrelevant.
micah was thirty years old—seven years younger than Me—and unmarried with no children. she had never been pregnant; she had had her appendix removed when she was ten; she had no allergies; she was diagnosed with asthma at seven; her blood type was B positive; she last had a pap smear a month ago and an STD panel run a year ago. her parents were listed as her emergency contact, and she worked as an assistant registrar at the Whitney Museum.
Of course, I was the attending Physician for the duration of micah’s three-day hospital stay. Well, I worked in conjunction with a