the contraception coverage rule has passed
Constitutional muster?”
“The very same, Mr. President. The Court’s language today,
I’m told by my source, will affirm the right of the Chief Executive to compel
public and private institutions, all of them, to provide contraceptives, morning-after pills, abortifacients, you
name it, to all of their employees.
Given the Court’s ruling, we’re just one
step away from requiring the same institutions, including businesses,
churches, all employers, to provide
abortion coverage – free , of course.”
“And that one step to which you’re referring, Vivian, is for
me to cancel my Executive Order that
the House required to get health care passed – the Order that said fed funds
couldn’t be used to provide abortions. Well, what did they think Planned Parenthood was doing with the $500 million they get in federal funding each year?”
“Yes, that was my most un-favorite of all of this office’s Executive Order’s.”
“Vivian, you know there was no choice , what with that Michigan Congressman holding the bill
hostage. Domestic policy shouldn’t be decided by appointees chosen by the Pope located in Europe and
accountable to no one. I was elected by the voters to make policy, and I won’t
let a European religious leader tell
us what we can or can’t do. A red cap shouldn’t trump the votes of the American
people. But, thank heaven…. sorry for
the religious reference…. now , I’ve
got a choice . Go ahead and send me
the draft of the Executive Order revocation – the Order we both hate – and I’ll
sign it. I also need your revised draft of our new regulation mandating abortion coverage. Base it on
the same language used for contraception coverage, since we know the Court likes that language.”
“On the way, sir. Anything else?”
“Yes. This office still has scars from the Bishops beating
up on the White House over the contraception coverage rule. It’s payback time for the Bishops and also the fundamentalists and the
conservative Jewish leaders who joined the Bishops. Can you give me some
appropriate language for the speech announcing mandated abortion coverage? And,
oh yes, tell scheduling that I want to officially announce the new mandated
abortion reg in Manhattan at the Margaret Sanger Birth Control Clinic. Look it
up….it’s a designated national historic landmark.”
Pastor Jack Madison was worried. As a pastor and a Christian
he knew that he shouldn’t worry. He’d even given a sermon last year that he
entitled ‘ Is Worry Actually Atheism?’ .
He knew that the Lord had everything under control and that no weapon formed
against him could prevail long term. He also knew that sometimes it was His
divine plan that His children endure persecution for a myriad of reasons. He
also knew that His Word confirmed that persecution ultimately brought about
positive things in God’s children and would all be worked together for good.
Nevertheless, he thought, knowing all that, being fully
convinced of these truths, he was still worried. His wife, Allison, who knew him better than any human, had
double–kissed him this morning as he left for the church, saying “Jack, I can tell you’re concerned about being
indicted for hate speech. It’ll be okay. If they come after you, they’re really
attacking our Lord, and He’ll protect you…. even if you’re in jail.”
As soon as Jack said, “Thanks a lot , Allie, for the encouragement. I’ve visited a federal prison,
remember, it’s not a pleasant place”, he regretted his response as not being
very Godly or loving. He needed to call and apologize, but maybe he’d let her
simmer down a little. He’d hurt her and he needed to make it right….in just a
few minutes. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the luxury of the extra