The Wedding Secret Read Online Free

The Wedding Secret
Book: The Wedding Secret Read Online Free
Author: Jeannie Moon
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ask about Harper’s life. Of course, Mama never cared about her before. Now she wanted to come to New York to see her grandchild and her daughter’s fancy life, firsthand.
    But she wouldn’t ever come because her mother never traveled alone. Harper’s deadbeat, resource-sucking stepfather was out of her life, but the bastard left her mother with his creepy, parasitic, forty-year-old son, Hill. No shit. That was his name.
    Harper hated him, and he was attached to Mama.
    So she’d promised herself that Anna wouldn’t have anything to do with them. If her mother wanted to come alone, she’d make it happen, but every time it came up, so did Hill’s name, and Harper’s life was off-limits to that loser.
    Glancing out the window at the lights twinkling across the skyline, Harper felt an ache in her chest. She’d never wanted to have the house in the suburbs and the doting husband. In fact, she still wasn’t sure she did. But she was thinking about it now.
    The house in Oyster Bay was still on her mind and she wondered if she should put down an offer. The worst they could say was no. Maybe she would. Then she’d be closer to the office and would spend less time on the stupid commute.
    Times had definitely changed. A year ago Harper never would have considered living anywhere but New York City.
    There was a swell of noise, which meant both Jason and Meg had arrived or one of their high-profile guests had made an entrance.
    Harper tucked her feelings away and plastered a smile on her face just in time to see Kevin Rossi enter with Jason and Meg. Holy mother of God. Her heart stopped as all that gorgeousness filled the room.
    Her assistant, Mira, shot to her side. “Kevin Rossi wasn’t on the guest list.”
    “He’s Meg’s brother. We’ll obviously make accommodations. Be sure there’s a place for him at the table, we don’t want any awkwardness.”
    Mira licked her lips. “He can be awkward with me any time he wants.”
    Harper shot a look at her assistant that had her scurrying off. What was it about the man that had women’s brains turning into mush? Harper hated it because, once upon a time, she was one of those women.
    He was still standing by the door shaking hands with some of the clients, and Harper allowed herself to look at him. What he had going for him was pretty obvious. Kevin Rossi was a god.
    Six-one and hovering around two hundred pounds, the man was as physically perfect as any she’d ever known. His hair was short, dark, and wavy, and his eyes were a deep shade of blue that reminded Harper of a perfect sapphire. The color was unique, and he’d shared it with their daughter. Their eyes were so similar, in fact, Harper worried one of his sisters would notice and make the connection.
    It hadn’t happened, and if she had anything to say about it, it never would.
    No man had ever made her lose control the way Kevin did. Physically he did things to her that she never imagined being real. But it was how he made her feel that made what went on between them so hard to forget.
    He made her think. He made her laugh. They liked the same things, but were different enough that it was never boring. He challenged her.
    He was a complete surprise, and when she was with him, Harper almost believed she could love someone. Who was she kidding? She was halfway there, but Kevin seemed content to keep things casual, so she put the brakes on before she got hurt. He kept calling, kept wanting to see her, but he wasn’t offering anything new. Then she found out she was pregnant, that he signed a contract that would take him across the country, and that finished it.
    She had to make a choice, and no man was ever going to make her lose sight of her baby. Harper wasn’t her mother. Her child came first.
    “Penny for your thoughts?” Harper drew a breath at the deep voice caressing her from behind. God, how did he do that to her?
    She turned, trying to appear unaffected, but having no idea how she was doing. “Kevin.
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