Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates Read Online Free Page A

Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates
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any excuses and no bullshit, find my muthafuckin’ daughter,” he raged, the veins in his neck standing on end.
    “ I’m on it Hangman, I swear,” Quenton replied quickly.
    “ Here, take this, it will calm you down,” he told Carlo, handing him another packet of heroin.
    Accepting the drugs Carlo retreated to his bunk effectively dismissing the man from his presence. As he smoked, Carlo’s mind again went on an unwarranted journey into his past and he endured, helpless once again to stop it. “No Carlo, I can’t,” Auriel told him trying to pull away. They’d been a couple now for almost three months since he officially broke up with Sharaine. It was one of the conditions to Auriel dating him.
    Finally he’d managed to get her alone in Raven’s apartment, as she and Cartier went out for the evening. Carlo was tired of waiting. He wanted to make love and Auriel kept pushing him away. “Why, what are you scared of,” he asked, kissing her lips again as his hands squeezed her breast. He knew she wanted him. He could feel her breathing grow uneven and saw the lust in her eyes. “I haven’t ever, you know,” Auriel returned as comprehension dawned for him. Carlo kissed her again telling her it was all right. He was amazed that she was still a virgin at 19. Most of the girls he knew had been having sex for years. It made him want her even more knowing he would be the only man to ever touch her. He and Cartier had talked at length as their partnership grew admitting how much they cared for the two women. “Relax Auriel, I won’t hurt you, I promise,” Carlo replied smoothly as he undressed her. She stopped fighting him finally when his lips found her nipple and began sucking gently. His other hand snaked between her legs, under her panties, finding her wet with excitement.
    Carlo quickly removed her underwear, kissing Auriel deeply not allowing her movement. He placed himself between her legs and pushed himself inside her. “Carlo, stop,” she tried as the pain came. “Shh baby, it’ll only hurt for a minute, I promise,” he assured her, moving slowly and gently inside her. Auriel kissed him back when he placed his lips on hers and their lovemaking continued. She was moaning softly moments later as Carlo brought her to orgasm. He felt himself getting closer as his movements became more intense. Neither of them remembered the condom as Carlo came hard inside her. They would be reminded of its absence two months later as Auriel told him she was carrying his child. Carlo was ecstatic, immediately proposing to her. Auriel was slightly reluctant, having a general idea of the things that Carlo and Cartier did together, but allowed his charm to sway her. They were married two weeks afterward, Lauren Nicole was born seven months later and Carlo’s world was complete.
    “ Where the hell is my baby,” he growled coming out of the drug induced trance momentarily.
    Hearing the words lights out once again, Carlo promised pain and death to anyone who brought harm to his child.
    Cartier was anxiously awaiting sentencing. Unlike Carlo he didn’t see the need to waste time with a trial. He was guilty. He knew it and so did they. His attorney got as many of the charges dropped as possible, the death penalty thrown out, and his choice of prisons complete before Cartier would agree to the deal. He didn’t want to serve time in Chicago. He wanted to be sentenced on the Federal charges and go to a Federal prison. He thought about Carlo and sighed deeply. He knew the only reason his friend was enduring the trial was his love of the spotlight. Carlo didn’t want to go quietly into obscurity and no one remember his name. He’d planned to make as many headlines as possible. They were deliberately being kept apart, not that it stopped Cartier from finding out what was going on with his friend. Why is he using that bullshit, he thought tiredly of Carlo’s heroin habit. Sitting alone in the darkness of his small cell
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