To Die in Beverly Hills Read Online Free

To Die in Beverly Hills
Book: To Die in Beverly Hills Read Online Free
Author: Gerald Petievich
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completed the forms, Carr stapled them together and attached them to a fresh case file folder. Kelly dug in his pocket and pulled out a quarter. "You call," he said.
    "Heads," Carr said.
    Kelly flipped the coin and showed it to Carr. It was tails. "You get the honors," he said, chuckling.
    Carr shook his head and sighed. He gathered up the forms and the counterfeit money.
    "Try not to get in an argument with him or we'll be here all night," Kelly said as Carr left the office and headed down the hall. He stepped into Norbert Waeves's (aka No Waves) office. No Waves sat behind the desk with an oversized nameplate that read Special Agent in Charge . A man younger than Carr, with bony arms and a trace of freckles across the bridge of his nose and cheekbones, No Waves wore his usual uniform of short-sleeved white shirt with pen-heavy pockets and a thin red necktie. The tie had a rifle-and-pistols pattern.
    There was nothing on his desk except pipe-cleaning equipment and a stack of Guns & Ammo magazines.
    Carr set the reports and contraband on the desk and sat down in a chair in front of the desk.
    No Waves put the pipe in his mouth. He flipped through the inventories and made sucking sounds.
    "I take it both of you counted the notes?" No Waves said, without looking up.
    "Yes," Carr lied.
    No Waves pressed an intercom button. "Kelly," he said.
    "That's me," Kelly replied.
    "Who counted the counterfeit money?"
    "What counterfeit money?" Kelly said in a monotone enmity.
    No Waves bit the pipe. "The money you and Carr seized tonight," he said.
    "We both did," Kelly said.
    No Waves switched off the intercom. He signed the forms and filled out an Approval for Booking Evidence form. He pushed the forms across the desk to Carr.
    Carr picked up the forms. He turned to walk out.
    No Waves reached into a desk drawer. He pulled out two envelopes. "Here is your six-month evaluation," he said, handing them to Carr. "And Kelly's. Sign them and have them in the mail room by twelve hundred hours tomorrow."
    Carr walked out of Waeves's office as he sat lighting his pipe. He distributed the paperwork to various "in" boxes in the office, locked the counterfeit money in the vault and picked up Kelly.
    On the way to Chinatown, Kelly read aloud from his evaluation. "Special Agent Kelly has an acceptable record of properly maintaining his issued equipment and government vehicle. Though he is not a self-starter, he works his assigned cases in an acceptable manner and meets most report deadlines. I rate his investigative efforts as barely adequate. Kelly has entered himself into a number of disputes with the members of the Federal Public Defender's Office during this reporting period. I have counseled him about the importance of maintaining proper relations with other agencies, per Treasury Manual of Operations Section zero-nine-point-five-six. I frequently have to counsel Kelly to include more detail in his investigative reports. He does not accept criticism readily and has a bad attitude.
    "Special Agent Kelly is eligible for transfer and is not recommended for promotion."
    As Carr steered past Los Angeles Plaza, a restored city historical landmark where winos slept on benches, he pulled out his evaluation and handed it to Kelly,
    Kelly tore open the envelope and read the report.
    "Yours says pretty much the same thing except for the last sentence. Instead of eligible for transfer, he says you're ready for transfer." Kelly stuffed the evaluation in the envelope and handed it back to Carr.
    "It's hard to believe," Kelly said, "but at retirement parties when No Waves ends up sitting alone because no one wants to sit with him, or when I see him eating lunch by himself in his office, I actually feel sorry for him. It's like he can't help being the way he is...but most of the time I still feel like kicking his teeth out."
    "That's just the way he is," Carr said.
    Kelly's face turned red. "He's nothing but a pipe-smoking, draft-dodging, headquarters-created
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