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Book: Torn Read Online Free
Author: Christina Brunkhorst
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himself up for such an auspicious event –– chalked it up to stress and exhaustion. He knew firsthand how grueling a film schedule could be. It hadn’t been the longest, or most interesting, or most intimate conversation they’d shared, but when he hung up, Tyler felt more like himself. More in control. And less compelled by the character he’d signed on to portray.
    The rented, four-wheel drive pickup turned into the Morgan drive easily despite the deep snowdrifts and came to a stop in front of the oversized two-car garage. Immediately, two big dogs rushed from the house, barking, and when he looked up, he could see Chelsea Morgan framed in the doorway before she walked towards him, her breath misted on the frigid air, her boots softly crunched through the pristine white snow.
    For a long moment, he just sat there, engine running, and took in the scene before him with a very surreal sense of disbelief. The home, covered in snow, complete with acreage ––if the long driveway from the road was any indication –– with its fireplace releasing aromatic wisps of pine smoke into the air, was the exact picture of the home he’d always wanted to create for his family.
    When he’d brought it up to Jennifer, she’d laughed until she saw he was serious. Then she’d laughed harder. “And my Dolce & Gabbana would go so well out there in the sticks. You’re crazy, Ty, if you think that I’m going to move to some god-forsaken outback in Montana. Hollywood would forget me in a blink.”
    “Iya, come! Kemah! Down!”
    The sharp commands brought Tyler back to the present as Iya, presumably the slim white and black creature from the way the dog ran back to Chelsea, barked once more, then settled down. The Bernese Mountain dog he surmised, familiar with the large breed, must be Kemah. This one stayed next to the door of his truck, and kept barking until Chelsea reached the truck and pulled the enormous dog aside with an exasperated roll of her eyes.
    “Honestly, Kemah!” she exclaimed as Tyler opened the door and stepped down from the truck. Chelsea looked up and smiled at him. “Thanks for coming, Tyler.”
    “I’m sorry I’m late. I had to make a stop.” He reached into his truck and picked up the rather large bouquet of pale peach roses that lay across the passenger seat. He held them out to Chelsea. “For the lady of the house.”
    A smile lit from within. He must have gone to Manhattan, or even Bozeman; she knew their local florist didn’t carry this color rose. She blushed with pleasure. It tinted the cocoa of her skin beneath the overhead light from the deck. Her gaze lifted from the flowers back to him.
    Was it his imagination, or did her eyes seem even warmer than before?
    “Thank you, they’re beautiful.”
    His lips curved and he patted the Bernese’s head. “You’re welcome.”
    “Well, come inside, no need to stand out here and freeze.” Chelsea started back to the house and Tyler fell in step beside her. He held the door open for her and laughed as Iya and Kemah scrambled past their owner –– nearly knocking her over –– in their haste to get in where it was warm.
    “Your dogs are gorgeous,” he observed, watching as the dark, tri-colored Bernese ran over to a dish of water on the floor.
    “Yeah, but their manners are atrocious.” Chelsea looked warmly at the dog. “Can you believe we found Kemah in an animal shelter? Whoever got rid of her was a fool. Just like the hunters who abandoned our Iya four years ago.”
    “Iya?” He assumed she referred to the other canine, but seeing a white and orange and brown longhaired feline strut by, he wasn’t sure.
    “The Pointer.”
    Iya heard her name and trotted over, gave Tyler the once-over with her brown eyes before returning to circle three times over her dog bed and dropping down onto it with a contented sigh.
    “They’re both so amazing with the girls. I don’t know how they put up with them. I keep telling Faye and Grace that if I

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