York,” I stutter awkwardly in reply, cursing myself at how clueless and small-town I sound right now. “So it’s been really fun just visiting somewhere new. Thank you for the opportunity ...”
And I know I should just shut up here and let him do all the talking; explain exactly what the ‘job’ he’s advertising for entails. But for some reason I just keep on talking, feeling my mouth running on regardless.
“It must have cost you quite a bit of money to do this. I mean, I can’t be the only girl you’ve paid to fly out here, right?”
At this he smiles enigmatically and raises one thick, perfect eyebrow, resting his sculpted, stubble-flecked chin on his interlaced fingers.
“Actually?” he says in that strange, captivating accent. “You’d be surprised, Alisha , by just how few girls there are in your ... position ...”
The moment he says my name, I feel a shiver run down my spine. It’s crazy. The way my body’s responding, it’s like he’s hypnotized me.
“So how many other girls have applied?” I continue, suddenly desperate to know the answer, even though I still don’t know what exactly it is he even wants me for .
“I should admit there have been a few,” he admits. “But none as beautiful, none as perfect as you.”
I feel another deep pang of embarrassment, my face flushing with heat as he says this.
Is this guy for real?
I don’t know what to do or say with a flat out compliment like that, and find myself just wishing I could somehow change the subject.
“This is, um, an amazing office you have here ...” I offer meekly.
He laughs, once again pinning me with his smoldering grey-blue eyes.
“I’m guessing that nobody has ever told you how beautiful you are,” he says, slowly, deliberately, that deep voice of his resonating right through me.
I shake my head, shifting uncomfortably in my chair, my clit throbbing even harder despite myself.
“Have you ever had a boyfriend?” he continues.
I feel my heart begin to drum, too. Is this kind of questioning really necessary?
“Uh-uh,” I say quietly, shaking my head again, deciding to tell the truth.
“And why is that, exactly?”
“I don’t know,” I reply, hearing the trembling nerves in my voice now, just wishing to God he’d change the damn subject. “I guess I’ve just never been that into boys ...”
Before now , I think. But Marcus Whitelaw isn’t a ‘boy’ is he? He’s a man ... The most beautiful, gorgeous man I’ve ever laid eyes on.
I need to keep it together here. I still don’t even know what the hell he wants from me ...
“What about girls?” he says with a playful smile, catching me totally off guard.
The heat increases in my cheeks, sizzling now, as I shake my head again.
“Girls either,” I say in an almost whisper. “So, Mr Whitelaw,” I continue, trying to summon any remaining scraps of confidence, “what exactly do you want from me? I mean, I still don’t know why you’ve even paid for my ticket here. What is it about girls ... like me that you like exactly?”
At this, he sits back casually in his chair, obviously thinking the question over, taking his time before he replies.
“That’s a good question,” he says slowly. “Well, Alisha, I suppose I should be a little more forthcoming about our possible arrangement . As you can probably guess, I am a very busy man. I have a lot of responsibilities here at Whitelaw Enterprises. And I imagine there was perhaps one particular word in my advert that drew your attention to it, was there not?”
“There was,” I admit, wishing the ground would just open up and swallow me.
“And what word was that, Alisha?”
I blush even harder, squirming in my seat. Is he really going to make me say it?
“Virgin,” I whisper.
“That’s right,” he says. “Virgins fascinate me, Alisha. I find myself drawn towards the mix of innocence and curiosity that a girl like you no doubt possesses. After all, aren’t you dying to