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When Truth Fails
Book: When Truth Fails Read Online Free
Author: Lucianna Gray
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and greeted his guest. His long white toga flowed almost ethereally against the breeze winding through the open foyer. Maids followed him with their heads facing the ground in respect.
    “Cassius,” he said, his voice booming through the open space. He waved the guards off. They eased and stepped backwards toward the front door.
    “Augustus,” Cassius greeted. He bowed.
    “I heard of the death of your father. I sent my condolences with my servants.”
    “Yes, they were well received. I thank you for the gesture. My father was a great man.”
    Augustus nodded. “Indeed.” He motioned for the maids to scatter. They bowed deeply and scampered off in different directions. “What can I do for you, dear Cassius?”
    “I am here with news of a different nature, though I fear that it may also be linked to my father’s death.”
    “We have encountered a sorceress – a witch amidst the people.”
    Augustus raised an eyebrow. “A sorceress?”
    “Yes, her cunning wit entranced us so that she infiltrated our home.” He gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. “I am not ashamed to say that I fell under her spell as well.”
    “You say that you believe that she had a hand in the murder of your father?”
    “Yes, her last words to me were of her knowledge of the future.”
    “Has she been touched by the Gods?”
    Cassius shook his head. “She made no mention of the Gods. I know she is a witch. She made no opposition to the accusation. Instead she ran from my villa with an acquaintance who I can only assume is an apprentice or a familiar.”
    “This is a serious accusation,” Augustus said as he led Cassius around the pool. He looked up at the stars. “Having a witch in the city is a danger we cannot leave unattended. The possible revolt that it could cause in such a tumultuous time-” He stopped and turned to his guest. “You want me to place a bounty on her head?” Cassius nodded. “So it shall be. A small token of resolve for such an unsettling time for you and possible uprising.”
    Cassius smiled. “Thank you. With your permission, I shall gather a handful of my guards to walk the streets in search for her.”
    Augustus nodded. “But do so gently. No need to cause an uproar. We do not need the thoughts of witches to fill the minds of the people.”
    “When we find her, I shall bring her to you. The execution of a witch should do well for your favor amongst the people.”
    The cool breeze brushed against the exposed skin of Cassius’ face as he left Augustus’ estate. A smile crept across his face. He turned toward the brothel. After all, he deserved a treat after such a productive day.

Chapter Five
    “A bounty?” Ellie fell backwards, lying prostrate on the grass. “Ugh…”
    Magnus stood over her. “What is it that you say?” He thought for a moment. “The word on the street is that Cassius put a hefty sum on your head.”
    Ellie smiled. “So this is what it’s like when grown-ups try to sound hip,” she said with a chuckle.
    Ellie shook her head. “A hefty sum, huh?”
    Magnus took a seat next to her. “Yes, I heard it from my cousin. Apparently you are a witch.”
    She sat up. “Do you believe them?”
    Magnus grinned. “You are quite bewitching.”
    Magnus shook his head. “It is nonsense. If you were a witch, I do not believe for a second that you would be spending time with me out in the woods. Besides, there is no room for a cauldron out here.”
    Ellie fell back down onto the ground.
    “Are you going to fall asleep again? You do not even want to hear what other news I bring to you?” She turned her head. “Other words amongst the street is that there has been a rash of thefts amongst the shop owners.”
    “Are they blaming that on me too?”
    “Well, yes but that is not my point. The items being stolen are silk.”
    “You sure it wasn’t you?” she asked, motioning toward the tent. “Wait.” She bolted up.
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