cock in her pussy. His hands found her breasts; he squeezed them and toyed with the nipples. They were moaning and rocking together almost as if they had done it all their lives with each other. Tiana began to go faster as she felt the orgasm rising within her. She started to grind her pelvis on Jake’s pelvic bone so her clitoris was being rubbed. When Jake pushed back he caused the wave of orgasm to hit unexpectedly. Tiana grabbed his as and pulled him deep into her as she grinded her pussy against him.
She screamed out in pleasure and allowed the orgasm to own her…Jake to own her.
Jake watched her face as she came. Her eyes closed her mouth clenched. Her breathing intensified as her brow furrowed with focus. When the orgasm came her face contorted into a mix of pain and pleasure. He thought, ‘She is so beautiful when she cums. Why hadn’t he ever made love to her before.’ The thought nearly sent him into orgasm; he had to stop thrusting.
Tiana looked at him and asked, “Is something wrong?” fear clouding her face.
“ Oh no Tiana, I was just watching you and realizing how beautiful you are” he said quietly. “I almost came with just the thought of your beauty so I had to stop is all.” And he began to fuck her again.
She rolled him onto his back and hopped on top of him. She put his cock inside of her again as he helped guide her hips. Tiana began bouncing up and down on his cock, fast and then slow and then not at all. She was toying with him. His hands tightened on her hips as he tried to control the speed. But her legs were too strong and the position left him helpless. She loved the feel of his hands on her hips, the feel of him fighting her to let him have control.
She watched him as she sat on him and simply grinded her pussy into his pelvis. He made faces as she did the closer she got to orgasm. She would moan and his brow would furrow and he would moan. He let his hands relax while at the same time pushing down so she could grind harder on him. He thrust his pelvis up as she pushed down on him, “Oh Jake, here I cum again….all over your cock…I’m gonna….” She said breathlessly. Her hands found his chest and squeezed as the orgasm was starting. At climax she threw her head back, arched her back and danced her pelvis on his cock massaging her clitoris.
Jake was overcome with desire, lust, awe, love, and need and his body succumbed to waves and waves of pleasure. He squirted his juices inside of her; Tiana could feel the force of his pulsing cock releasing; his moans were sexy and so real; she pushed hard into her and hit her clitoris just right causing her to have another orgasm with him. The two of them came hard and long rubbing and thrusting on each other; using each other for their pleasure.
The waves passed and Tiana fell onto Jake’s chest. He wrapped his arms around her and held her there; their hearts pounding on each other’s chests. Tiana nearly fell asleep like that as did Jake.
He nudged her after about five minutes of silence and said, “Are you ok?”
She lifted her head, kissed him on the nose and said, “I have never felt so right.”
“ Me either.” He said.
Jake rolled them onto their sides and they held each other. The fell asleep in each other’s perfectly content and at peace; those feelings though were only temporary..until the following day.
The Next Day....
Jake couldn’t focus at work. His mind was so wrapped up in the events of the night before that he couldn’t concentrate on anything.
He left in a hurry in the wee hours of the morning while she slept. He was terrified to wake her; that he’d screwed up their friendship, hurt her, something. He needed to call her.
Unbeknownst to him, Tiana was having as difficult of a day as Jake. When she woke up alone she cried. ‘Oh god, what did we do.’
She thought all day about how it could have happened?
They had talked about it a lot over the years and were both in agreement to be