strictly friends because it wouldn’t be so complicated that way.
She struggled through the interview for her article and just finished up when her phone rang. She looked and saw Jake’s name and hesitantly answered. “Hello?”
“ Tia, can we meet after I get done with work today?” Jake asked. “I think you and I need to talk...”
Jake waited and waited for a reply but he heard nothing on the other end of the phone. “Tiana, are you still there?” He asked with urgency.
“ Yes Jake, I am.” She said quietly.
“ Why won’t you answer me?” he asked. “Are you angry with me?”
Another pause followed and finally she said, “I’m confused, happy, scared, and unsure all at the same time. What happened was…oh god JJ...” she trailed off.
“ I know Tia. I don’t know what to do either but we need to talk about it. I have so many things I need to say to you.” Jake said in a nervous tone.
“ Are you confused too Jake because I really am. I know if I see you again it will happen again because we have finally given ourselves to each other. I mean, well..never mind. I’m just not sure that would be such a great idea. What will our parents think, our friends, the rest of our family?” She blurted out as tears stung her eyes.
There it was. The truth they must face; the reality that they have hidden their love behind for over 20 years. Thoughts raced through Jakes head as he said, “Hey, I don’t want to talk about this over the phone and I have to get back to work. Can we meet? Please, Tiana.” He begged.
The phone was silent for a moment. “I would love to meet but we can’t do that again. Not now, it’s complicated so much.”
“ Okay Tiana, no more words now. I promise we will just talk. Let’s meet at our favorite park at around 5:00. Do you want me to bring some deli sandwiches for dinner or will you eat before you come?” he asked.
“ Why don’t you bring some sandwiches and I will grab some chips and a couple of juices for us. I haven’t been too hungry today; maybe if I eat with you I will be able to choke something down.” She admitted.
“ Alright T-Cup, that sounds good. I will see you in a few hours then.” He said using his childhood nickname for her.
“ Okay JJ. See you soon.” She said with some relief in her voice.
And they hung up.
Somehow hearing and using their pet names for each other seemed to calm her but there was no doubt about it, things between the two would never be the same again....
3 Months Later....
One would think the way Tiana had been feeling about what happened the night before she would have showed up to meet Jake with a shield and boxing gloves on—she didn’t want to see Jake unless he assured her they would not do that again. The same could be said for Jake who insisted the two of them needed to talk.
They never did have their heart to heart conversation the day after that first sexual encounter. Jake showed up before Tiana set up a blanket and their food and he brought some wine along; he knew Tiana was bringing juice but they never did anything without some wine. And besides, at the time he thought it would make things easier to talk about because both of them were a bit awkward on the phone.
The wine certainly loosened them up; a little too much. Jake had set up their lunch in their secret spot where they had shared their darkest secrets, fears, aspirations, and everything else. It was their own little hideaway from reality. Of course on that day they took their secret spot to a whole new level.
Now, two months later, they were getting ready to go visit Tiana’s folks and break the news. The sneaking around was getting too difficult; too many questions were being asked by her parents. Jake’s parents were very suspicious and had pretty much figured out that Jake and Tiana were more than friends now. Jake didn’t think his parents would cause too many problems but Tiana’s might.
“ How ya doing T-Cup?”