Wolf's Bane (Shifted) Read Online Free Page A

Wolf's Bane (Shifted)
Book: Wolf's Bane (Shifted) Read Online Free
Author: Lynn Leite
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Ashley has said maybe ten words all together. She didn’t speak at all on the way here. You she talked to.”
    “ If you think it will help, sure, I’ll stop by. I was thinking of asking Lexi to come.”
    “Perhaps a woman would be even better to break her out of this shell she seems to be hiding in.”
    “What did the doctors say?”
    “She refused to see them. As I said, she wasn’t letting any men near her. She became hysterical. We thought it best to give her some time. The fact that she agreed to meet the both of you was a positive sign. Bryce, I know it’s asking a lot, but if she’s talking to you… you don’t understand what a positive sign that is.”
    “I want to help. I meant what I said. No one deserves the way she was treated.”
    Ashley heard the conversation in the hallway. Her hearing was excellent, better even than some of the other shifters. Her Aunt Julie was right. She had spoken to Bryce more than she had anyone else since the attack. She had closed herself off purposely. Thinking about what happened just hurt too much. It was easier to close all her thoughts, remain numb. Somehow, Bryce had broken through that resolve. She knew she could trust him.
    Listening to the rumble of Bryce’s voice soothed her. She believed he truly wanted to help. She warmed at the thought that Bryce had offered to kill Warren for her, even if his offer confused her. Why would a man she had never met before offer to avenge her? It didn’t make sense. What was in it for him? He was Alpha. He already had the promise of being pack leader. Why would he offer to kill the Bane Alpha? Perhaps, it was to gain land and power, but he already would have that without risking his life.
    If he did kill Bane , she would be free. She was strong. She knew that, with time, she could get past the attack. She had done what she had to, and made no apologies for that.
    Her fear stemmed more from Warren’s promise of retribution. Ashley had no doubt that her uncle’s pack would suffer if she remained there. She had to find a way to keep them safe. She didn’t want to be responsible for an attack on what appeared to be a gentle and benevolent pack of shifters.
    She groaned , feeling the pull of skin tear at her injuries as she stood. She was tired. Sleep would be the best way to heal. The wounds on her body were extensive. Just moving caused pain. The injuries would heal if she shifted, so why wasn’t she?
    “ Because then you’ll forget,” she answered her own thought. She didn’t want to ever forget what happened to her. The scars would remind her, help to shield her in the future. If she let herself forget, then her guard would be let down. She wouldn’t be foolish enough to let some other man claim her as property. She had known turning Richard down would make waves. She had foolishly thought he was only claiming her to fulfill his father’s wishes. She knew better now.
    Richard had been obsessed with claiming her. Denying him had been a slap in his face. Looking back, she could have just agreed, pretended to go along with the marriage, then suddenly disappeared, or faked her death. Death would have been better than having to spend a lifetime with a man she detested. She’d rather be alone for eternity.
    The way thing s were looking, she’d get her wish. She would spend her life always looking over her shoulder. A partner or children wouldn’t factor into that future. Her heart broke at the thought of everything she had lost. No man would want her now. As a young woman, she had dared to dream of a loving relationship like her parents or aunt and uncle. Now, she had lost that as well. The thought of being intimate, letting a man get that close, have that kind of control, made her shutter. A brief flash of Bryce’s face flashed in her mind’s eye. He frightened her in a different way. He was large and imposing, and his anger was fierce, but, somehow, she doubted he could ever hurt
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