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Zombie Jesus
Book: Zombie Jesus Read Online Free
Author: Edward Teach
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they skirted the edge of the crater. The momentum of the car was enough that Cisco had to spin the wheel and throw on the emergency hand brake to keep the spinning car from flipping. They came to a stop in a peal of tire-smoke, facing the crater. Romeo scrambled to get himself upright and went for his pistol while Cisco struggled with his safety belt and opened the driver’s side door.
                  The SUV did not manage to swerve in time and flew across the crater, the tip of the vehicle failing to clear the opposite edge of the crater. The front of the car smashed into the crater edge, making a crunching metal on metal sound that made both Romeo and Cisco wince. The psychopath gunner was flung from the sunroof and landed in a heap near the charger, his body twitching and his back bent ninety degrees in the wrong direction. The two bikers gingerly approached the wreckage, staying alert for any signs that the fuel tank might explode.
                  They walked towards the crater and looked at the shattered vehicle. The mohawk psychopath had managed to drag himself from the wreck, and crawled over the lip of the hole. The bikers raised their weapons and yelled for him to stop, and yet heedlessly he managed to get to his feet. He was covered in dozens of cuts and bruises, and it looked as if one of his arms was broken. In the other hand he held a crowbar with a greasy cloth-wrapped handle. He spat out a mouthful of blood and teeth and looked defiantly at the bikers.
                  Cisco and Romeo took a step back as the psychopath, weakened as he was, began shouting in gibberish at them. He took a step forward and raised his weapon, then a second step, and on the third a heavy round from Romeo’s pistol smacked into his chest. He staggered backwards to the edge of the crater, and then two shots from Cisco’s 9mm sent the bleeding man falling. The psychopath landed on the hood of his own crashed car, and did not stir again.
                  The bikers looted the vehicle and the bodies as quickly as they could, knowing that walkers would be attracted by the battle. It still bothered Cisco tremendously that when a normal person was killed or died they would come back from the dead as a walker within minutes. Yet the psychopaths, once killed, would stay dead. It was as if the corpse curse did not affect them, clearly they had some immunity. Though perhaps, he reflected, they were already dead in a sense. Psychopaths had no language that normal people could understand, and yet they seemed to understand each other. The zombies did not attack them, simply ignored them, perhaps some kindred spirit amongst the damned. Unless it is we who are the damned, thought Cisco, and they are our tormentors. He shook these thoughts from his mind and finished the salvage. They had a lot of miles to go before nightfall.
    The survivors asked of Jesus, "Tell us messiah, how will our end come?"
    Jesus said, "Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is. Dead that walk as if Alive and Living that are all but Dead.
    Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end and will not taste death or be of the walking dead."

    For this reason I say, if the owners of a house know that a thief is coming, they will be on guard before the thief arrives and will not let the thief break into their house, their domain, and steal their possessions. For what is the most precious possession but one’s life and one’s soul?
    As for you, then, be on guard against the world. Prepare yourselves with great strength, so the walking dead and the madmen can't find a way to get to you, for the trouble you expect will come, and when it does it shall be like unto a storm.
    Let there be among you a person who understands, and let them stand to meet the storm.
    Romeo was
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