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Zombie Jesus
Book: Zombie Jesus Read Online Free
Author: Edward Teach
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surge of bodies. The wicked grille did its job and the charger pushed through the horde with sickening progress as bodies were pulped, bones were crushed, and limbs torn off from zombies that attempted to stop the car.
                  Romeo was buckled in and visibly shaken, as he had yet to go on a scavenge run, while Cisco was a veteran of several runs and had become accustomed to driving through the zombie horde. The vehicle rolled onwards, crushing bodies as it went, until a clear patch of road appeared and Cisco was able to get it up to speed. Soon the bodies of the walkers were literally thrown out and away from the car as the grille slammed into them. They made a wide turn to the right and were able to enter an access road. They planned to avoid the main highway until well out of the city, considering that progress would be very difficult through the maze of abandoned vehicles that choked the main arteries of the metropolis.
                  Cisco took them nearly a mile down the access road before Romeo called out a warning. On their left a vehicle could be seen paralleling their progress, using its four wheel drive to off-road and keep pace. The psychopath with the green mohawk was at the wheel, and another masked psychopath had emerged from the sunroof holding a rifle. Cisco had to swerve to narrowly miss an abandoned dump truck that lay across the road, and then spun the wheel backwards to correct his course and get them back on paved road. Bullets began to ping off of the armor plating on the driver’s side, and Cisco silently said a prayer of thanks to any divinity that might be listening. The psychopath gunner was using a small caliber rifle, most likely a 22 carbine, featuring a high rate of fire but little penetrating power. Still, a stray round through the metal grating and into his neck would kill him just as dead, so Cisco hit the accelerator.
                  There was no sunroof in the charger that Romeo could use, so he had to crawl into the backseat to get into a position to return fire. He threaded the barrel of his rifle through the grating and braced his feet on the closed door. It wasn’t much of a shooting rest but it would have to do. There was plenty of ammunition for their journey, though it would not do to spend it all now, not with a world of walkers out there and the strange Riders to possibly contend with. He was going to have to make them count, thought Cisco as he dodged another abandoned vehicle. The older man was doing his best to keep the car steady so Romeo could get a shot, but the constant salvo of small arms fire and the obstacles in the road kept him driving on the defense.
                  The mohawk psychopath had closed the distance between the two vehicles, and swerved hard onto the paved access road, kicking up a dust cloud as his tires jumped the curb. The gunner’s last few shots went wide as his magazine clicked empty, and Romeo switched his firing position to the back window grate and took the chance to return fire. His own shots went wide as he was forced to adjust by trial and error to the adverse conditions of the swerving cars. He’d always been a decent marksman, but this was another endeavor entirely.
                  Romeo took a deep breath and sighted down the barrel of the gun. His guts tied themselves in a cold hard knot as he looked down his rifle at the psychopath gunner drawing his own bead on Romeo. Both men began firing at once. Romeo gritted his teeth and did his best not to flinch as small rounds impacted all around him, at least one slipping through the small slits in the grating to punch a hole through the passenger seat. Cisco cursed behind him and turned again to avoid what looked like a blast crater in the middle of the road.
                  Romeo lost the grip on his rifle and was flung about the backseat, while Cisco’s seat belt auto-locked and knocked the wind out of him as
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