Baller Bitches Read Online Free

Baller Bitches
Book: Baller Bitches Read Online Free
Author: Deja King
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time and where to meet me for lunch and the smile still hadn’t disappeared from my face.
    As I was pulling up to Beaumarchais on West 13th street I saw Blair about to walk inside. I blew the horn and she turned towards my direction and then quickly turned away probably thinking I was some nigga trying to holla. I blew my horn again but this time I rolled down the window because I knew she couldn’t see me through the dark ass tint.
    “Girl, what’s up,” she smiled.
    “Just wanted to let you know I am here but I’ll be inside in a few. So go ‘head and get our table,” I said needing to return a call before I went inside.
    “Cool, see you in a little bit.” I rolled the window back up and parked my car. I quickly dialed the number that was texted to me keeping the conversation short.
    “Is everything straight on your end?” the person on the other end of the call asked.
    “Super straight. I’ll get with you tomorrow.”
    “That’s all I needed to hear.” The call went dead and I got out ready to stuff my face. When I stepped inside I immediately spotted Blair who already had a champagne glass in hand.
    “Is that a Bellini?” I questioned as I sat down at the table.
    “You already know. I was going to order you one but I wasn’t sure if you were drinking or not.”
    “Stop playing! You already know how I get down. Where’s our waiter or waitress so I can order me one.”
    “Here he comes now.” When he got to our table I ordered my drink and food too because I was starving. Luckily Blair had already looked over the menu so she knew what she wanted too.
    “So how is everything going with you?” I asked getting comfortable in my chair. “That bad.” I stated as Blair rolled her eyes and then paused them while looking up to the ceiling, cradling her drink.
    “Things definitely aren’t good.”
    “Really? How can things be that bad when you got that fine ass man of yours and he chipped. If only I had those type of problems.”
    “Girl, if you only knew,” Blair said solemnly shaking her head.
    “Well damn, tell me.”
    “He’s constantly reminding me that he has it all and I have nothing.”
    “Oh gosh, he’s one of those types. I shoulda known he was too good to be true. I see we gon’ need a few drinks for this fool.”
    “You so crazy, Diamond.”
    “I’m so serious. There’s nothing worse than somebody making you feel like you ain’t good enough. I remember dealing with that shit with Rico.”
    “Girl, I remember.”
    “So then why are you letting yourself get in that same type of relationship, because trust me it aint gonna get no better.”
    “If I can find success of my own then it will. Michael will have to respect me. Right now he just looks at me as some wannabe model slash actress but if I can become a legitimate star like a Tyler Blake…”
    “Not to cut you off, but wasn’t that bitch looking fierce last night.”
    “Hell yeah! If only I could have a small percentage of her career I would be on cloud nine.”
    “And you can. Blair, you have talent. I remember that play you did in Brooklyn last year.”
    “You talking about at that hole in the wall spot.”
    “It was a tad small, but you were still dope and I’m not just telling you that. I was pleasantly surprised at how great you did. I know you talked about wanting to be an actress but when I saw you actually perform I was impressed. So have you been going on auditions?”
    “Not really. Once I started getting serious with Michael he made me feel like I was wasting my time even pursuing it.”
    “Do you want to be an actress? Is that your dream?”
    “Yes, it is.”
    “Then fuck what Michael thinks. You’re young, beautiful and talented. You only live once. Make Michael choke on his words.”
    “That’s what I want to do but I need to get some gigs to get me some exposure. My agent kept telling me I needed to drum up some publicity for myself but how can you get publicity when you’re not getting
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