neighbors next door, the doctors practicing in our hospitals, and the workers who share our lunch break. Our enemies are terrorists driven by a dangerous ideology and clothed in deception who operate under cover and laugh about the advantages our sensitivity training, gullibility, and political correctness give them.
Who would have thought that in June 2006 the words “Those who heal you will kill you,” spoken to an Anglican priest in Iraq by an Al Qaeda spokesman would come to haunt British citizens in their own cities. 8 Londoners woke up to hear that another attack on British citizens had come close to taking lives again. Luckily the terrorists bungled their first two attempts and authorities discovered the unexploded devices and disarmed them; the third attempt went off at the entrance to Glasgow Airport but injured no one except the terrorist himself. With amazing speed, Scotland Yard rounded up the terrorists and we all discovered the prophetic implication of the reported threat “Those who heal you will kill you.” The perpetrators were all Muslim doctors.
I have always firmly believed that Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with economic position or status in life. This event in Britain reinforced these views as my heart went out to a nation of people facing days of fear and uncertainty. During the Lebanese war, doctors in Lebanon slaughtered hand in hand with the terrorists in the name of jihad. This is a very difficult concept for Western minds and especially Western intellectuals to accept and understand or even believe. I remember when I started speaking out about my experiences during the war, I would share how our neighbors—doctors and lawyers who we had known for years—became radicals overnight and started massacring us the next day. People looked at me with disbelief as if I were making things up just to make the Muslims look bad.
Both my experiences in Lebanon and the UK bombings planned by doctors strongly bolstered my opinion that Islamic terrorism is a religious, jihad doctrine-driven effort to murder or subdue and subjugate non-Muslims. The familiar arguments of Western liberals that “it’s a class struggle” or “the West is bad and economically oppressive” no longer have purchase.
Not only did doctor terrorists shock the world, but radical Islam also turned parents into coldhearted terrorists bent on mayhem. What else could drive a mother and father with their six-month-old child to willingly carry liquid explosives onto an airplane, hiding the liquid in the child’s baby bottle? This scenario unfolded in August of 2006 when police arrested twenty-four British-born and -raised Muslim citizens who had plotted to blow up as many as ten planes headed to the United States using liquid explosives. Officials say details of the plan were similar to other schemes devised by al Qaeda. Accounts such as these remind us of just how determined our enemy is. 9
Back at home in America, a group of ten Islamic radicals conspired to kill U.S. servicemen at New Jersey’s Fort Dix Army Base. The plot was disrupted thanks to the FBI infiltration of the terrorist cell. In January 2007, a vigilant video-store worker contacted the FBI after a customer brought in a DVD to be duplicated that showed ten young men in their early twenties “shooting assault weapons at a firing range in a militia-like style while calling for jihad and shouting in Arabic
Allah Akbar
(God is Great)." 10
Within six months, the FBI had placed two cooperating witnesses within the terrorist cell, and they recorded meetings and phone conversations with the plotters. The terrorist cell reportedly surveyed Fort Dix, the Lakehurst Naval Air Engineering Station and Fort Monmouth in New Jersey, Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, and a Coast Guard building in Philadelphia. They also reportedly considered an attack timed to the annual Army-Navy college football game in Philadelphia.
One of the charged conspirators, Serdar Tatar, was