What the creatures did during a storm he honestly had no idea as he cared little about the God-forsaken savages. It was still an intriguing question though, one he pondered as he strolled watchfully on. The undead were nowhere to be seen in any direction which was rather odd, for there were usually at the very least a few milling around at this time of day. The area was completely deserted, it was as if they too had hunkered down away from the wind and rain.
“Where are you, you filthy fucking beasts,” he muttered impatiently under his breath. “I know know you’re out here, just show yourselves and we’ll get this over with quickly.”
Noon passed and the sun continued to dry the soaked city below. There was a sense of tranquility about the new day, calm quiet and bright, somewhat inviting. Amidst it all the man knew that this was the perfect setting for him to be caught out if he let his guard down, even for a second. He remained on high alert marching on with more caution than he was usually accustomed to on a simple stroll around the block.
Turning to look the man caught sight of shadows up ahead and set off immediately to investigate. “Good boy,” he whispered quietly, thankful once again for his canine friend’s alertness.
There was a disturbance up ahead coming from inside an abandoned tram in the centre of the road, a few hundred yards away. Shadows and shapes moved inside as it rocked slowly from side to side.
“There you are you stinky, slimy pieces of shit!” Gritting his teeth he raised his shotgun and continued on. “I knew you were here somewhere.”
Placing a foot on the first step he breathed in, shook off any fear or doubt that might be lingering and followed the barrel of his shotgun inside. Seconds later a loud gunshot echoed through the wastelands.
Eye in the Wind
“What the fuck were you doing here lady?”
Blood curdling gargles purled from within the tram.
“Alright, I fucking heard you!” The man yelled at his pet from out of the corner of his mouth, all the while maintaining eye contact with his victim.
A sudden gust of wind howled past the windows of the tram, giving off the similar sound to that of a banshee wail. Eerily scary given the circumstances.
Blinking, the man continued to stare. “Honestly lady, what the bloody hell were you doing?”
Laying back against a seat the woman spluttered, tried hard to speak but with her life-force draining fast she had no fight left within her. Bright red blood, unlike the tainted color of the blood of the undead trickled down her chin onto her khaki clothing. Vacant eyes stared blankly as they began to glaze over.
Death came and her soul departed.
In a state of shock the man simply stood there for a few moments hunched over the dead woman’s body slowly shaking his head. He tried hard to justify his actions despite knowing full well that he had just killed an innocent survivor. In his mind he passed over the blame, it was easier to deal with the guilt that way and besides, who would stop him anyway.
You stupid woman, why didn’t you just give me a sign? You’d be alive if you had’ve just waved or yelled! That’s all you fucking-well had to do!
Long dark days on the road had seen him struggle around the living. He was not good at addressing the dead either.
“What the fuck is it now!” he snapped. The dog lowered its head and gave a slight whimper.
Looking up sharply the man peered out through the windows of the tram to see what had alerted his lookout. Creatures, hundreds of the hideous beasts were shuffling out of time and heading straight towards them.
In a panic the man spun around, peering out through the other windows of the tram only to be greeted with the same sight in every direction. Realizing what he had done he crapped himself, the gravity of the situation hitting him like a sledgehammer to