Bringer of Fire Read Online Free

Bringer of Fire
Book: Bringer of Fire Read Online Free
Author: Jaz Primo
Tags: Urban Fantasy
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served six years, and then returned to civilian life only to discover that I had brain cancer.”
    “Tough break,” Burroughs said, though without any convincing sense of sympathy. “I’m sure that you felt a little resentful about that.”
    “It’s worth pointing out that Nuclegene center was the key solution standing between me and oblivion. I had three more treatments left to take, not to mention that some of my fellow patients grew to feel like friends of mine, so one might imagine that I wasn’t happy to see the building go up in flames with them in it.”
    “Mm-hm,” he murmured.
    It’s said that first impressions are everything. Agent Burroughs seemed to be a bit of an asshole.
    “Mr. Bringer, do you have any idea who would want to destroy the Wallace Building or kill any of its occupants?” Sanders asked.
    “No idea at all,” I said.
    What a waste of so many innocent lives.
    What’s more, none of the other offices seemed like a typical target for terrorists in my opinion. Why would someone want to blow up the building in the first place?
    It didn’t make sense.
    Sanders started to ask something but Burroughs cut her off.
    “Where are you currently employed, or perhaps I should ask, are you currently employed?”
    My first impression that the guy seemed like an asshole was confirmed. So, now he’s asking if I might be a freeloader or drain on society, too?
    My former army discipline kicked in at just the right time and I politely answered his questions. He continued with additional questions about my family, friends, and co-workers. There were also additional queries into my background that were either relatively public knowledge or fully covered in my army personnel records.
    I looked at Agent Sanders, who had remained quiet throughout the interview, occasionally nodding and scribbling on her own notepad or observing me with a thoughtful expression.
    “Mr. Bringer, I recommend that you don’t leave town anytime soon. We may want to interview you further,” Burroughs announced.
    He stood and Sanders followed his lead. They walked to the front door to leave, but Sanders turned at the last moment and handed me a business card.
    “My contact information is on that card if you remember anything that you’d like to add or think of something further that might be helpful in our investigation.”
    I took the card and looked at her. At least she’d been polite. Meanwhile, Burroughs was already halfway back to their car.
    I watched Sanders hurry to catch up with her partner, and I couldn’t help but notice that even in her formal slacks she had a cute butt.
    “God, I really need to start dating again.”
    I glanced down at the business card that Agent Sanders had handed me.
    Special Agent Megan Sanders, Counterterrorism Investigations .
    I normally tossed business cards onto the mail pile on my coffee table. However, this time I actually programmed Agent Sanders’ information into my cell phone. Given the gravity of the situation and Burroughs questions, I had the uneasy feeling that I might be seeing more of both agents in the not-too-distant future.

Chapter 3
    I sat on the living room couch for what seemed like forever after the agents left my home. It was important for me to consider all of the angles related to both my physical and mental condition and the pending investigations that I had been drawn into. The worst thing that I could do would be to continue in the chaotic manner that I had been.
    Granted, I’d done nothing wrong. But I had the distinct impression that I had already become more than a passing person of interest in the eyes of the authorities.
    Should I secure an attorney? Maybe I should ask my Dad for advice?
    While both were excellent choices, I settled on a more immediate concern; namely, my sanity, or possible lack thereof.
    I picked up the phone—devoid of weird Jedi-like affects this time—and cycled through the caller ID until I found Maria Edwards, the physician’s
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