had been blessed with a shock of unruly blond hair, moss green eyes, and long, dark eyelashes—a mesmerizing combination that could have been a little too pretty if not for the hard set of his jaw and his strong, wide face.
“Kimber? Honey?” She dragged her gaze away from Brandon, mortified that Wade had caught her staring at the man for the second time that day. “I asked if you want me to get you a glass of wine. I’m gonna grab a couple more beers from the cooler.”
She got to her feet, scraping the chair across the wooden floor in her haste. A couple of minutes in the kitchen to gather her thoughts was just what she needed right now. “I’ll get it. You guys want to head into the den?”
Kimber loitered in the kitchen until she heard them leave the dining room, wiping the granite countertops over and over again and refusing to think about why she might be hiding in her own home. When the dishwasher was loaded and there wasn’t a scrap of dirt anywhere left to distract her, she grabbed a six-pack of beer and went to find Brandon and Wade. Crossing the hall, she heard the blare of the TV and realized, with a sigh of relief, that Wade had found a game to watch. She hated football, so it wouldn’t distract her at all, but at least she wouldn’t have to worry about Wade noticing her acting all weird around Brandon. But when she joined them in the den, Wade was the one acting weird.
Pointing the remote at the TV, he turned off the sound. “I just told old Brandon here to ask you why you won’t marry me.”
“Whoa…give a girl a chance to catch her breath, won’t ya?” Kimber tried to laugh the question off, but both Wade and Brandon were staring at her, waiting for an answer. “I don’t know. I just never felt we needed it, I guess.”
Wade turned back to the TV, his jaw rigid. “She always says that.”
Kimber handed him a beer, ruffling his silky brown hair in a gesture of apology. The issue of whether they should get married was an old and contentious one, and she had no intention of revisiting it in front of their guest. “What about you Brandon. Are you married? Any kids?”
“No, he never got married either,” Wade said, answering for his friend. Kimber stared at him in amazement, but his gaze stayed glued to the screen. She looked over at Brandon to find him raising his shoulders in a confused shrug and shaking his head as if telling her not to push Wade on it.
“You seen the Wildcats game yet?” Wade said to Brandon, changing the subject and raising the volume on the TV again.
Lucky for Brandon, he was football mad, too, but she guessed Wade knew that already. Watching the game was a great idea, although Kimber thought her head might split if the TV or the guys got any louder. Sitting beside Wade on the sofa was a mistake she never usually made, given as he was to alternate between shouting at the screen and raising his voice to make himself heard over it, but with Brandon in the only other chair, she had no choice. When Wade erupted in celebration of an impossible field goal, Kimber actually had to put her fingers in her ears. Laughing at the delight on his face, she turned to find Brandon staring at her again, his smile slipping away to be replaced by an intensity she remembered all too well. When Brandon wanted something, it showed, and right at that very second, he wanted her.
Kimber turned away, flustered and scared by her reaction, her face burning as she tried to ignore the insistent pulse in her groin. She bit her lip and dug her nails into her palm, desperate to focus her attention on something—anything—else but the way her body called out to Brandon. She sat frozen, afraid to move for fear of intensifying her arousal, and afraid to look up and find he might still be watching her. When another loud shout in protest at a decision told her his attention was back on the screen, she got up, grabbed the empty cans, and headed out into the kitchen for more beer.
Two hours