about it himself. I like having young people about. Gay. Keeps one up to scratch. Can you see ’em anywhere? Mildred’s wearing a puce toque.”
“Not a
, Bunchy,” said Troy. “There she is. It’s a very smart purple beret. She’s seen us. She’s coming.”
Lord Robert’s widowed sister came billowing through the crowd followed by her extremely good-looking son. She greeted Troy breathlessly but affectionately. Donald bowed, grinned and said: “We
been enjoying ourselves. Frightfully good!”
“Fat lot you know about it,” said Troy good-humouredly. “Mildred, Bunchy suggests tea.”
“I must say I should be glad of it,” said Lady Mildred Potter. “Looking at pictures is the most exhausting pastime, even when they are your pictures, dear.”
“There’s a restaurant down below,” squeaked Lord Robert. “Follow me.”
They worked their way through the crowd and downstairs. Donald who was separated from them by several strangers, shouted: “I say, Troy, did you hear I was sent down?” This had the effect of drawing everyone’s attention first to himself and then to Troy.
“Yes, I did,” said Troy severely.
“Wasn’t it awful?” continued Donald, coming alongside and speaking more quietly. “Uncle Bunch is
and says I’m no longer The Heir. It’s not true, of course. He’s leaving me a princely fortune, aren’t you, Uncle Bunch, my dear?”
“Here we are,” said Lord Robert thankfully as they reached the door of the restaurant. “Will you all sit down. I’m afraid I must be rather quick.” He pulled out his watch and blinked at it. “I’ve an appointment in twenty minutes.”
“Where?” said Troy. “I’ll drive you.”
“Matter of fact,” said Lord Robert, “it’s at Scotland Yard. Meeting an old friend of mine called Alleyn.”
Lord Robert Gospell to see you, Mr Alleyn,” said a voice in Alleyn’s desk telephone.
“Bring him up, please,” said Alleyn.
He pulled a file out of the top drawer and laid it open before him. Then he rang through to his particular Assistant Commissioner.
“Lord Robert has just arrived, sir. You asked me to let you know.”
“All right, Rory, I’ll leave him to you, on second thoughts. Fox is here with the report on the Temple case and it’s urgent. Make my apologies. Say I’ll call on him any time that suits him if he thinks it would be any good. You know him, don’t you? Personally, I mean?”
“Yes. He’s asked for me.”
“That’s all right, then. Bring him along here if it’s advisable, of course, but I’m snowed under.”
“Very good, sir,” said Alleyn.
A police sergeant tapped, and opened the door.
“Lord Robert Gospell, sir.”
Lord Robert entered twinkling and a little breathless.
“Hullo, Roderick. How-de-do,” he said.
“Hullo, Bunchy. This is extraordinarily good of you.”
“Not a bit. Like to keep in touch. Enjoy having a finger in the pie, you know. Always did.” He sat down and clasped his little hands over his stomach. “How’s your mother?” he asked.
“She’s very well. She knows we are meeting today and sent you her love.”
“Thank yer. Delightful woman, your mother. Afraid I’m a bit late. Took tea with another delightful woman.”
“Did you indeed?”
“Yes. Agatha Troy. Know her?”
There was a short silence.
“Yes,” said Alleyn.
“Lor’, yes. Of course you do. Didn’t you look after that case where her model was knifed?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Charming,” said Lord Robert. “Ain’t she?”
“Yes,” said Alleyn, “she is.”
“I like her awfully. M’sister Mildred and her boy Donald and I had been to Troy’s show. You know m’sister Mildred, don’t you?”
“Yes,” said Alleyn, smiling.
“Yes. No end of a donkey in many ways but a good woman. The boy’s a young dog.”
“Bunchy,” said Alleyn, “you’re better than Victorian, you’re Regency.”
“Think so? Tell you what, Roderick, I’ve got to