Angel looked up at his mum ‘Why
‘If you go back in there with the
young dragons they will hurt you or kill you.’ Tish had a look of pain on her
face as she tried to explain.
‘I’ve always played with them, so
why are they doing this to me now?’ Tears streaming down his face as he looked
up at her.
Looking at him, the agony was there
on her face scaring him. ‘It’s alright it’s just something that we never
thought would happen and now it has we have to take you away from the dragons.’
Screaming Angel throw himself at
his mother yelling. ‘No I don’t want to they’re my friends.’
‘No Angel they’re not anymore,
you’ve changed and the little dragons know it. They will never let you come
near them again, so we will have to move. You don’t want the little dragons to
be upset every time you try to see them that's what will happen. Every time you
go near them they are going to get very upset and you know we don’t upset
dragons, they are very special to us all.’ Moving to hold him, she could try to
stop his hurting.
Angel just stood there ‘I can’t
see them any more! They were my friends and if they hurt when I am near then I
will not go near them any more, I will not hurt them. But where will we go?’
Angel knew the one thing he would never do is hurt a dragon, he loved them to
She stood up and looked out the
window knowing she was going to have to tell him the rest. ‘We’ll go and move
up to an old place I had up in the mountains it’s a good place. But it's a long
way from here.’
He moved over to the edge of the
level looking down at the young dragons. ‘Why have I changed, what’s wrong with
me, am I going to die?’
Coming over she knelt down and
held him tight speaking with tears ‘No you’ll not die, the change is good but
you might not think so because it has taken you away from your dragon friends.
What has happened to you has never happened before in all the time of the
Dragon Riders. There has never been a wizard born into a Dragon Riders family
and that is what's happening to you. The law says if you have magic you must go
to the Wizard School. Also you know what happens with wizards around dragons.
The dragons go crazy and try to hurt or kill them. It is only the strongest
Dragon Riders who can carry a wizard and then they are fighting to keep
Angels eyes were bulging as she
told him and he waited until she finished. His voice quivering. ‘I'm going to
be a wizard, and then what happened yesterday is when it started.’
She looked at him. ‘What happened
He told them about the feelings
he had and the dragon nipping him as he left, and that deep down he knew
something was going to happen today. All this time, he had been looking at the
young dragons playing as if nothing had ever happened. ‘I don’t want to be a
wizard, I want to play with dragons and ride them like you, Pol and Tas. I want
to be like them. I don’t want to be a wizard’
Gavrie came over and spoke.
‘There is nothing your mother or anyone else can do to change what has
happened. When you turn twelve you will go to the wizard school, it’s not a bad
place. Your mother has been there a couple of times you’ll be alright you’ll
Taking one last look at the
dragons playing, he turns to his friends who had been listening all this time
and he could see not horror at him being a wizard but a look of wonder. To
Angel he felt they now had a sense of owe of him, as if he had climbed another
level above them. He knew their friendship would never be the same again.
After saying his fare wells to
his friends, Tish told him they will go home and tell his brothers what’s
happened and where they will be going to live. She spoke as they walked out to
the Dragon Hall. ‘Won’t they be surprised when they find out?’
Angel gave his mother a worried
look. ‘When Rho picked me up, Moontear was hard for Rho to handle, what will