Trying to work his way over to
the side door leading into the egg chamber, seeing they were following so Tas
and Pol will be alright. I’ve got to hurry as they are getting angrier by the
minute and it’s with me why. Why me I haven’t done anything to them, got to
keep moving. What’s wrong with them, no what’s wrong with me Tas and Pol are
fine the dragons have left them alone, its me they want, the look in there
eyes, hatred, I’ve never seen that before. Mum. Yes she’s up there call for
help work my way there.
Looking up at the second level
where she had been to see if she was there still. He could see her talking to
the wizard and yelling like he’s never yelled before. He knew they would kill
him if they could the look in the eyes had told him that. ‘Help mum help
me.’ Tears streaming down his face as he yelled for help.
Tish and Gavrie looking could see
the young dragons had circled him. His friends were running up the stairs
calling to Angel’s mother. Tish ran to the side as Angel had managed to work
his way to just underneath where they were standing. She yelled to Angel,
‘stand still and don’t move I’m coming down.’
She jumped down beside him and
held him up in the air. Gavrie, seeing the young dragons were still going for
him. Tish was not going to be able to fight them off while holding Angel. She
tried passing him to Gavrie but he couldn’t reach instead he jumped down into
the middle of them and moved to the side. They would sense his magic and go for
him for his magic was far stronger than Angels as he could sense it being this
close to him.
Tish was trying to pass Angel up
to Gavrie just above but was not quite tall enough. Suddenly Gavrie was beside
her yelling. ’Move to the side as I draw them away, now move quickly.’
Gavrie moved grabbing at the
young dragons, they could sense he was a wizard and turned on him for his magic
was overpowering that of Angel. Being an adult he towered over the young
dragons but they still went for him. He could move through them a lot easier
and headed off away from the stairs letting Tish get Angel to the stairs and
safety. The young dragons gave him a couple of hard nips but nothing serous.
When he could see they were safe
up in the second level he used his magic and lifted himself up there with them.
Once there the young dragons settled down. Being young they were not able to
sense the magic from that distance and so soon forgot all about it.
Gavrie stood and looked at
Tish-Niya holding Angel, he could see in Angel his father. He is definitely his
father at that age to be able to sense the magic it is just too young he can’t
go to the school yet so we will have to think on it.
Angel looked up at his mother
tears still running down his face with eyes not understanding what just
happened. Tish could see it there she was not quite sure why but had an idea.
She looked at Gavrie and the look he gave her told her what she knew deep down.
Angel was a wizard and would not or ever be a Dragon Rider like her or his brothers.
How do I tell him this was the
last time he would be near dragons without them trying to hurt him. His life
was now changed forever and what he had with dragons was gone forever, never to
be brought back. Just look at his eyes pain at not knowing why, I must tell
him, I must but how.
Gavrie looking on could see the
pain of not understanding, and then looking at Angel’s mother could see the
some thing the pain but of how she would tell him. He went over to Tish. ‘You
must tell the boy, he must know now what the future holds for him. This path is
now gone and a new one opens up for him. It will be hard but he is strong.’
Tish looked at Angel and knelt
down to his level and wiped away the tears, looking around at his friends’
faces and the not understanding there. Gavrie's face, there she could see pain
but not for himself, but for her and Angel. He knew what she was going through
and knew it was going to be