as he went.
The wizard was looking at him as he moved over to the dragons. There was a
strange look on his face as if he was waiting for something; he looked away as
his mother started talking to him again. Angel and his friends stopped and went
into a huddle Angel speaking first. ‘Shall we just yell and charge them and
then see what happens?’
The others nodding turned and
they all yelled and charged into the young dragons. The young dragons were
screeching, flapping wings as they bowled into them. Angel, Pol-Orm and Tas-shy
each grabbed a young dragon and pushed them into the others all the time
laughing and yelling. They were being rough this morning but they knew the
dragons loved it and could get rough as well but were very good at knowing just
how much their human play friends could take before it hurt them.
While playing, Angels mother was
talking with the head of the Wizard School, watching what was going on down
below. ‘Gavrie do you think there's going to be more attacks on the Dragon
Riders? This last one was the worst yet four riders hurt. It’s the second
attack this year.’
‘I would like to say no but you
and I both know it won’t be the last, if there was a way of taking a wizard
with the patrols it would make things a bit safer but we both know how
difficult that would be.’ Looking down at the group below.
Tish-Niya and Gavrie could see
the young dragons were circling the boys. They could see the young dragons
looked a little agitated but didn’t think much about it, as they knew what the
boys did to the young dragons and the dragons would get their own back on them.
Gavrie was not sure and spoke his misgivings to Tish-Niya. ‘Are you sure the
boys are ok, the young dragons look just a little bit angry that’s the word,
they look angry don’t you think?’
Tish-Niya looked hard before she
spoke. ‘Now you mention it, they’ve never looked like this; they play with them
all the time even when they play rough.’
Moving to the edge of the level,
looking down at what was going on. They were just not quite sure what was
The boys could see, something was
not right, it looked as if the young dragons were picking more on Angel than
themselves. Pol-Orm spoke first. ‘Angel, are you alright they seem to be going
at you more than us, maybe we should stop?’
At that moment a dragon took a
nip at Angel but he moved just in time, speaking as he did so. ‘I’m not sure
let’s just see what happens we can always just stop the playing and go.’
Tas-shy was not so sure. ‘I’m not
to sure they are just playing like they usually do. I think we should stop now,
it could be the wizard up there disturbing the dragons.’
Angel was looking up at his
mother and the wizard when he got nipped and this one he felt for normally they
do get nipped but its just a sting, this was different and he knew it. ‘Ouch
that hurt’ throwing himself to the side and looking at the mark now appearing.
The look on his face was a pained
one and of surprise. He looked into the faces of the young dragons and could
see anger and hate there, something he has never seen in a dragon before. The
young dragons were starting to be a bit harder on his friends now so that made
up his mind. ‘Lets stop now and go there’s something wrong with them.’
Yelling at the young dragons to
stop, but they wouldn’t listen. Angel had the feeling it might be him they are
angry at because of what happened yesterday. Yelling to the others, ‘They want
me you go first while I draw them away get some help, ouch that hurt.’ Another
young dragon had got a good nip in, and Angel could see they were in trouble
and needed help and quick.
They started to yell for help as
the young dragons were now getting angrier. Angel’s friends were getting nipped
now but not as much as he was. Angel started to move to the side away from his
friends, he could see them coming after him and leaving the others