know the warden,” Nelson said, reaching over to pick Devin up. “You know, out of all the kids, you have to be the happiest one.”
As Nelson moved over to the changing table, Devin babbled as he tried to clap his hands. “Oh man,” Nelson gasped, changing the diaper. “Smells like you drank Tequila. I swear my eyes are burning.”
Seeing his dad making funny faces, Devin laughed. “Don’t laugh; this is nasty,” Nelson said, tossing the diaper away. “I’m asking your momma what the hell she’s feeding you.”
Dressing Devin, Nelson grabbed the diaper bag and headed back to the living room. He saw Gavin looking down at the floor. Well, Michelle’s been in here, he thought and rounded the corner to see her standing in the kitchen.
“You didn’t even talk to me about the pistol,” she snapped.
Nelson rolled his neck, popping it, shocking Michelle because she knew Nelson was going to fight back, and he was willing to sacrifice. “Run around, soccer ball head. We’re about to have a throw down,” Nelson said, putting Devin on the floor. Letting out a squeal, Devin crawled in high gear toward Zeus and Hera, who were lying on the floor.
After Nelson put the diaper bag down, he turned to Michelle as he took a deep breath and found Michelle holding up her hands for him to stop. “Can I just ask your reasons before we start the throw down?” she said then lowered her hands.
“Same reason we carry pistols: back up,” Nelson said. “You know as well as I do if your primary weapon goes down, you’re in a world of shit already. Your only chance is your secondary—your pistol.”
“I know b—“
“How many times did you use your pistol when your M-4 went down?”
Closing her eyes with a sigh, Michelle said, “You know. You were there for each one.”
“If he carries a rifle, that you damn well know he’ll treat with respect, he carries a pistol. You’ve seen him carry pistols before, so I don’t even know why we’re having this talk.”
“Because we didn’t talk about it.”
“That is on you, not me,” Nelson said, making Michelle jerk. “You could’ve given it to him or talked about it before I did. I can’t read your mind, and you know how dangerous it’s about to get. I want him used to it before he has to have one on or near him twenty-four, seven.”
Not understanding how this got to be her fault, Michelle had to replay the conversation. “So you don’t think he’s responsible enough, or there is no danger to be expected,” Nelson said, crossing his arms.
“Nelson, I… Well…” she stuttered. “Damn it, I just thought we should’ve talked about it before you did it.”
“Will this talk fit that category?”
She took a deep breath, and Nelson crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue out at her. Michelle busted out laughing. “One day, I’m going to pop you.”
“Bring it. I’ll let the dogs chew up your panties.”
“Okay, you win. I’ll drop it, but please, talk to me about this kind of stuff. I want to have a say even if it’s to say, ‘Hell yeah.’ I don’t want the kids to see me on the sidelines and it’s only Dad that believes they are trustworthy.”
“Now, that is a valid argument and one I will admit I was totally in the wrong,” Nelson said, shocking Michelle again. “So go tell him that’s why you were upset, and on that part, I was very wrong. You wanted to let him know to be careful with it, but you trust him.”
She leaned over and kissed him. “This in no way changes my point of view on the dirt bike.”
“Yeah, that I know,” Nelson smiled and hugged her.
As Michelle went to talk to Gavin, Nelson heard Zeus whining and saw Devin on Zeus’ back, chewing on the back of his head. “Well, now you know what my house shoes and Momma’s panties feel like,” Nelson said as he walked over to take Devin.
Devin reached out, wanting the furry chew toy, as Nelson grabbed his vest. Juggling Devin from arm to arm, Nelson put it on but