His Diamond Like No Other (Mills & Boon Medical) Read Online Free Page A

His Diamond Like No Other (Mills & Boon Medical)
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he exhaled harshly and shook his head. ‘Why did you come here, Jane? From what I understand, you had several job offers. Why dredge up all these old emotions? Daina is dead. There’s nothing you or I can do to change the past.’
    ‘I don’t want to change the past, Sean.’
    ‘Then what do you want, Jane?’
    ‘I want to change my future...and I want that future to include Spencer.’

    J ANE LET HERSELF  into her room, which was situated in the hospital’s residential wing. At least she’d managed to obtain a room with an en suite and small kitchenette. At the moment it was ideal, living in such close proximity to the hospital, as it lifted the pressure of finding somewhere more permanent. She could concentrate on her patients and research project and not have to worry about traffic or where to garage a car. There were shops nearby, which provided everything she required, and a good public transport service to assist her if she needed more.
    It was now the beginning of February and thanks to daylight saving there was no need for her to turn on the lights, but at the moment she wished the room were in darkness. It was half past seven in the evening and she was exhausted. Not only that, she couldn’t believe she’d blurted out her sole purpose for returning to Adelaide to the one man who had total control over her request.
    After she’d stated she wanted Spencer to be in her life, Sean had glared at her, his frown returning, before he’d shaken his head and walked away. Trembling with anxiety, Jane had found it almost impossible to shelve her own personal problems enough to concentrate on the clinic, highly conscious of keeping a safe distance from Sean at all times.
    However, when she’d been introduced to Tessa, a young girl of six who she’d ended up admitting due to a bad urinary tract infection, one of the symptoms associated with eating disorders, Jane had pushed her own issues to the back of her mind. When the clinic ended, Jane quickly grabbed a bite to eat from the hospital’s cafeteria, before heading back to the ward to see how Tessa was settling in.
    ‘She’s very quiet. Not speaking,’ Anthea told her. ‘She didn’t want to stay but didn’t want to go home either.’
    ‘Hmm.’ Jane processed this information. ‘OK. Have the night staff keep a close eye on her and call me if there are any concerns. I’m staying in the residential wing so I can come right over.’
    ‘I’ll make a note in her file.’ Anthea’s words had been soft and the two of them stood there, watching the little girl, for a few more minutes, Jane’s concern rising. With Tessa being so unsettled, as well as not feeling well because of the urinary tract infection, this first night might be hard for her.
    Now as Jane lay down on the bed, taking off her glasses and kicking off her shoes, she couldn’t ignore the niggling sensation that there was something going on with Tessa that no one was aware of. Little girls of six only had eating disorders if something else was very wrong in their lives.
    Her phone started ringing and Jane sluggishly opened her eyes, reaching out her hand to the nightstand, patting around until she located it. It was only then she realised she’d dozed off, still completely dressed and lying on top of the bed covers.
    ‘Dr Diamond.’
    ‘Oh, uh...Jane, is it?’
    ‘I’m calling from the ward. There’s a note in Tessa’s file to call you if—’
    ‘I’m on my way,’ Jane interrupted, as she quickly disconnected the call and hunted around in the now-dark room for her shoes. Collecting her glasses and the hospital lanyard, which contained her hospital pass key as well as the key to her room, Jane headed back to the hospital, smoothing a hand down her hair to ensure it wasn’t sticking out all over the place.
    ‘Thanks for coming,’ the night sister said. ‘Tessa’s been lying in her bed, whimpering and crying softly. Every time one of us gets near her, she
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