He hadn’t been able to stop himself from following her when they’d met at the castle. The sight of her had lessened the pain of losing his sire, forcing it to the back of his mind. She was powerful, but it was her beauty that was devastating.
He leaned his left elbow against the arm of the long couch seat he was sitting on and brought his fist up to his mouth. Supporting his chin on his thumb, he splayed his forefinger and index finger out against his cheek and curled his other two around, pressing his ring finger against his lips.
He couldn’t stop watching her.
It was wrong, he knew it, but no matter how hard he tried to keep his eyes off her, they kept wandering back again.
She had turned the lights off in the compartment when they had entered and had muttered something about wanting to see the outside world as her excuse. He knew it was more than that. He could almost feel the weight of sadness she was feeling and it was written in every line of her face. As much as he wanted to, he had no way of stopping her from feeling that way. All he could do was try to take her mind off it for a short while. The witch they had met with was right. Prophecy was affected by the loss of the Aurorea she seemed to have feelings for. It had hurt her deeply.
He frowned when they passed a station. The lights shone on her face for the briefest of moments and caught on the tears in her eyes.
She sighed. He watched her bring her hand up, discreetly wiping her tears away but making no effort to hide them from him.
Sitting up, he tried to think of something to say to break the silence and get her mind off the Aurorea.
“I wish I could sleep,” she whispered.
“You can sleep. I will keep watch,” he said. She shook her head and smiled, showing him it wasn’t that she didn’t feel safe enough to sleep, it was that she couldn’t. He leaned forwards, his eyes reflecting his curiosity.
“Sleep brings me answers sometimes and I’m sure it would have one for me now.” She brought her eyes away from the window and looked straight at him.
“Answers?” he said, feeling even more confused. There was so much about her that he didn’t know but she was revealing it all to him little by little. The marks she bore and the amulet that was fitted around her hand gave her the ability to use a power that she had because she wasn’t wholly a vampire. He’d wondered what that meant from the moment she’d said it. It had been going around his mind the whole time she was confronting the witch. The anticipation of hearing more about Prophecy was overwhelming.
“I have visions. It was one of these visions that Valentine saw when we first met and he bit me.” She idly stroked the marks on her neck.
Venturi’s stomach tightened when he realised that they were the Aurorea’s and not her sire’s. There were so many of them, some of them fading away but others remaining prominent. How much blood had they shared? Had she tasted him too? He shunned the jealous thoughts that rose up at the back of his mind and focused on what she was saying.
“These visions are of the future. I remember seeing you in one. They guide me on the path to my destiny. If I sleep, I know one will come to me and it will help me find Valentine. My power is strongest when my heart fears, and right now, I’m petrified. One has to come to me. I need guidance. I need to find him.”
He struggled with his words, torn between wanting to reassure her that they would find the Aurorea and wanting to block out all mention of him. He focused on what she’d said about her visions. She’d seen him in one of them. He wondered how it was possible and then remembered that with magic anything was possible.
“Where are you from?” she asked.
He almost laughed at her abrupt change of subject. “Venice, originally, but that was a long time ago.”
“How long?” Her eyes filled with curiosity but he could see her thoughts and attention weren’t wholly with him. She was