cargo hold, my captor set me gently down on my feet.
He then wrapped one impossibly thick arm around me, his muscled limb pressing hard into my breasts, and pressing my back into his own chest. Even through the material of my dress I could feel the hardness and warmth of his muscles.
My breasts were squashed against his arm and my nipples burned with an irritating need. His clasp of me was so tight, that I thought that I could feel the slow and steady throb of his pulse as the blood flowed through his enormous body.
And that male scent of him still enveloped me, intoxicating. He’d said that I was a willing guest, that he thought I had accepted his “claim.”
Was he right?
I wasn’t fighting him anymore, I had surrendered for now to his possessive grasp upon me… But that didn’t mean I’d completely surrendered to him!
But, at the juncture of my thighs there was a tingling warmth. My heart was beating more rapidly, and I felt a burning in my ears and cheeks, realizing that I was flushed all over.
This wasn’t like me at all. Such a reaction to some feral pirate who’d bodily taken me from a shuttle in the midst of a criminal act…
I’d long thought myself indifferent to most men. Perhaps I’d hardened myself, knowing that in the patriarchal society of my home world it was unlikely that I’d be paired with a mate whom I truly desired, and who desired me with affection.
I had only surrendered my charms to a man once, and I had regretted it.
I t had been with a lanky, golden–haired stable boy who’d had a huge smile and boyish charm. He’d led me to a vacant stall in the stables one night, asking me to help him check on the horses. I’d known what he really wanted, but curiosity and the excitement of the moment drove me to go with him.
He’d taken my maidenhead, and given my little in return but some pain and discomfort. It had all been over very quickly, and he was quick to separate from me afterwards, as if disgusted by the flesh he’d just used.
I was worried about what he might say to the other farmhands. I never heard any gossip, but soon after he was caught by my uncle stealing harnesses and tackle from the farm, and the sheriff took him away to be hung for the crime. I’d felt badly when I’d heard that, but it strengthened my resolve to harden myself against the charms of men.
I ’d decided that the flush of desire that one felt when approached by an attractive man was just an illusion, something nature designed to lead women into breeding and pregnancy and all the misery that came with it. Based on my experience, there wasn’t much in it for the female except pain and disappointment.
Except… Clutched in the arm s of my Star Wolf captor, I wasn’t so sure of all that. Or at least, I wanted to be wrong.
The crew of the pirate ship began to emerge from the numerous corridors that connected to the cargo hold. Others came into the room from behind us… These latter were the pirates who had accompanied my captor and Gall and helped them to loot the shuttle. Between them, they carried two large chests of sparkling, super-hard diamondite alloy, each supported by null-grav buffers to reduce the tremendous weight. I guessed that these must be the chests of gold and platinum that they had plundered. They set these down at the edge of the chamber.
Now, the room was full of Star Wolves. About a dozen of them, not including my captor and Emily’s captor, Gall. They were all young, all muscular, and all male… There wasn’t a female amongst them.
Some had tattoos, some displayed jewelry and various piercings. Some had stripes of animal-like hair on their bodies and hairy legs and arms, while a few of them were nearly covered head to toe in fur. None were as big as my captor, but they were all large, powerful, with very hard, well-muscled bodies under that fur.
Most wore only tattered pants or loincloths, though a few were completely naked. Indeed, one of the Star Wolves emerging