Remy’s explanation. “Why the fucking delay?”
“I encountered …”—Remy hesitated, assessing me—“difficulty … penetrating her. When I tried to fully enter her mind, she pushed back. And when I exerted force, it seemed to become quite painful for her.”
“And? Since when are you such a pussy?”
“She’s suffered head trauma, Al. I didn’t want to push things and upset her.”
Alcaeus’ hazel eyes rolled. “Human craniums are too delicate and injured far too fucking easily. All the more reason to force your way in and fix it before greater damage is sustained.”
Or this was all a dream. It had to be.
“Yes, I realize that, but she just looked so … tiny in my arms. So fragile.”
“And she’ll look tiny and dead soon if her brain is swelling and we don’t get in there and stop it.”
“Humans don’t heal as well when their systems are overloaded and flooded with stress. I needed to calm her down first.”
“She’ll heal regardless if we give her Alex’s salve,” Alcaeus concluded, waving a dismissive hand. “Ten cc’s via intravenous push ought to do it.”
“Alex wouldn’t approve of us wasting his salve on any human, much less Raul’s sister.”
“Don’t care what he approves of; I’m healing her. Now hand her over,” Alcaeus said, taking a step closer. “You clearly don’t know how to care for her.”
“And you’ll break her!”
Unwittingly, I emitted an odd, strangled sound in my throat. They were discussing me as if I were cattle—or some kind of house pet rather than a person. Perpetually describing me as “human” as if it were something foreign, something other than what they themselves were.
I needed to get away from them. But my brain felt so cloudy—my body too heavy to move.
“Fuck no!” Alcaeus objected, appearing to be disproportionately insulted by Remy’s assertion. “I’ll be gentle with her. Promise.”
“How would you know how? You just admitted you haven’t fucked a human in half a century.”
“That’s fucking bullshit! I’d be gentle !” Alcaeus roared at a decibel that shook the room, belying the very point he hoped to make.
Something was seriously amiss with them both. It was time to panic.
“She’s Raul’s sister,” Remy reminded Alcaeus stiffly. “Alex might want to kill her on sight.”
“We’ll talk him out of it. She smells too good to die.”
“But it’s Alex.”
“We’ll find a way.” Alcaeus tongue swept his full lower lip, his hungry eyes consuming me. “I need to have her. More than once. In every manner and position her little human body can handle.”
I realized I’d resumed clutching Remy’s hand in a death grip when I felt him give mine a reassuring squeeze and heard him murmur, “Easy, honey … you’re okay.”
My brain spun out and stalled, at a loss as to what or whom I should rationally be clinging to now for protection.
“She doesn’t talk much,” Alcaeus observed.
“Al, her heart rate just shifted into hyperdrive. Maybe you should go pile-drive some bitches in heat out in the gardens and come back when you’re more in control? ’Cause you’re scaring the fuck out of her right now.”
Alcaeus grinned, displaying an enviable set of white teeth. As attractive a smile as it may have been, if anything it made him appear more intimidating and predatory to me.
“Aw, look at that, she’s a blusher,” he said, regarding me much like one might a newborn puppy or some other cute novelty. It was altogether demeaning! Although not, it turned out, as degrading as his next comment proved to be.
“Fuck, I wanna see her blushing with my cock in her mouth.”
My jaw fell open in horror.
“Not the time, Al,” Remy cough-chided. “Head injury.”
Alcaeus groaned and bit his lower lip, inhaling deeply through his nostrils and murmuring “fuuck” as he fondle-adjusted the bulge at the front of his slacks.
“Smell that?” He smirked triumphantly, his eyes darting to Remy and