microjump and drone deployment in that order. Got that?” The Astrogator took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.
“Yes, Sir. I’ll have something for you to review and approve in a few minutes.”
“Very good.” After the Astrogator returned to his station, Tanaka leaned closer to Shiloh and said in an apologetic voice.
“I’m sorry, Sir, but I’m going to have to mention your hypnotic trance in my After Action report.” Shiloh was seriously tempted to try to talk her out of it but decided that THAT too was part of the vision and all of the clear visions had worked out well so far.
“I have no problem with that, Sumi. You do what you think is best and we’ll let the chips fall where they may.”
While he waited for the new tactical plan, Shiloh recorded his own text message to Admiral Howard.
[ 55 enemy ships detected in Green4. Our attempted ambush during enemy refueling was not successful and contact was lost. Defiant is now attempting to regain contact with enemy force in order to confirm my suspicion that enemy fleet plans to attack our Avalon Colony. I strongly recommend deploying all available forces there. In light of this incursion, Defiant will proceed to the Avalon Colony system, as soon as possible, to assist with its defense. I have a strong hunch about this, Admiral. Message ends.]
Satisfied with his message, he sent it to the message drone and ordered it launched. When Shiloh reviewed the plan a few minutes later, he was pleased to see that the Astrogator had taken into consideration a new location for Valkyrie and Skywalker, so that Defiant and the Strike Force would both be within line-of-sight of the sentries, during the lead up to the battle. They could then relay information back and forth between the ship and the fighter group without fear of the enemy listening in. He approved the new orders for the Strike Force and sentry fighters and ordered them sent to Valkyrie right away so that they could be relayed to Iceman’s group as soon as communications between the Strike Force and sentries was re-established. The planned deployment of Defiant’s recon drones needed tweaking and Shiloh, Tanaka and the Astrogator were still working on that when a new text message from Valkyrie was received.
[ Contact re-established with Strike Force. New orders transmitted and acknowledged. Valkyrie and Skywalker are now moving to new relay positions. Message relayed from Iceman as follows: A very gutsy plan, CAG! You should have been a fighter pilot like us! Message ends .]
Shiloh laughed and then noticed that no one else was laughing. They’re afraid this plan won’t work. I’d be afraid too if I hadn’t had the vision. Out loud he said.
“I guess that means that he likes the plan.” Neither Tanaka nor the Astrogator responded. Shiloh brought their focus back to the recon deployment and within a couple more minutes, they had a plan that he liked. With the ship ready for the microjump, Shiloh activated ship-wide intercom.
“This is Cmdr. Shiloh. We’ve lost contact with the enemy fleet. Unless we get it back, we won’t know whether this fleet intends to attack the Avalon Colony or take a different route deeper into our Space. Re-establishing contact will be risky. In a moment, we’ll microjump to a point that the enemy can’t help but detect. We’ll then move towards where we think they’ll be coming from. The idea is to get them focused on us, so that our recon drones can pinpoint their location and our Strike Force will then try to catch up to them and attack them by surprise from their rear. It’s not my intention to let the enemy get close enough to be a serious threat but we have to be prepared for that possibility. A message drone with a warning about this enemy fleet is on its way back to Bradley Base. Regardless of what happens here, HQ will be warned and can make their own preparations. After we microjump, we’ll stay at Battle Stations. I’m confident that we’ll