time they spent on the links reminded her of home. Becka wasn’t the only person in Phoenix missing green stuff . There was more than one house in her neighborhood with the front yard spray - painted green. As if everybody didn’t know it wasn’t really grass.
Dave nodded in her direction whi le taking a drag . "Hey , gorgeous . H ow was work?"
"Ugh , " she huffed , sinking into a chair . "I gave that guy I told you about my number and guess what?" Becka continued , n ot waiting for a response . "He has a girlfriend . A flipping girlfriend . This whole time I have been lusting after someone , who turns out , is already taken".
Becka took a sip of Dave' s C oke and a drag off of his cigarette . She had quit buying them months ago but would still bum the occasional cig from Dave at home or if she was out drinking . Dave, not much of a talker , shrugged at her and , after reclaiming his cigarette , stood to lean against the deck railing.
"Lucy, Crystal , and I are going out tonight . " Becka grinned , changing the subject .
Sh e knew Dave had a thing for Crystal but hadn’t managed to seal the deal with her . Becka loved annoying him . He just rolled his eyes and muffed her hair as he walked pas t her back into the house . Their house was split master with the kitchen, dining area, and living area in the middle of the house and a master bedroom on opposite sides of the house . Dave's bedroom was on the side of the house closer to the garage since he had crazy work hours.
Becka plo pped down on the sofa and put her feet up on their ottoman - style coffee table . Switching on the TV , she channel surfed . Dave walked out of his room not long after . Fresh from a shower , his hair was still wet , and he had not put on a shirt yet . His black jeans sat low on his hips as he padded barefoot towards the garage , most likely in search of a clean shirt . Dave almost never unloaded the dryer , and his clothes were probably still in there . When he walked back into the living room , still shirtless , Becka made a face at him.
"What?" he laughed . "I turned the dryer ba ck on so my shirt will be warm . I don’t say anything when you run around here in your underwear . " H e grinned , leaning on their breakfast bar.
"That was one time , months ago , " Becka exclaimed.
"Burned in my memory . You th ought you were so stealth , too."
Becka blushed , remembering that morning . Becka had gone shopping the day before and bought this amazing dress that she wanted to wear . She had washed and dried it that night but forgot to take it out of the dryer before she went to bed . It had wrinkled a bit over night so Becka turned the dryer back on to fluff it and was waiting for it to finish when Dave pulled in from work . Their washer and dryer were in the garag e and , since her back was turned to the door and the dryer was on , she had not hear d him. Needless to say , he got a surprise sho w that morning .
"Whatever . You didn’t see anything , " Becka huffed.
"Right , " Dave returned . He would always hold the “I” sound of it for an extra beat as his way of saying “ bullshit . ”
"So where are you girls headed tonight?"
"Jillian's , " Becka beamed.
It was a mega bar with three stories of different style d bars . There were traditional bars and pool tables on the ground floor , then a grown - up arcade on the second floor , and lastly a dance club on the third . Having a boy for a roommate , Becka was better than most girls at the arcade games . She always had fun there and preferred it to the bars and clubs off of Mill Ave nue, where most of her friends liked to go . Becka also knew that since Jillian's was so close to their house , Crystal would probably crash there , giving Dave another chance to try hook up with her in the morning when he got home from work .
"Good to know . " Dave winked at her as he headed back out to the garage to retrieve his now warm work shirt.
Becka had gotten up to make herself some nachos when