Uninvolved Read Online Free Page B

Book: Uninvolved Read Online Free
Author: Carey Heywood
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bit of a tool when it came to girls. She swore she was over it , but Lucy had never really forgiven him and passive aggressively did anything she could to annoy him ever since.
    "Your funeral , " Becka grinned , grabbing a bee r . "Bring a bottle opener too?"
    No cheap twist - o f f caps for Dave.
    Chapter 2
    Their night out was fun but uneventful . There were some really cute guys out , but Becka felt preoccupied and did not make much of a n effort to talk to any of them . She felt her mind drifting to Nate . None of the guys at the bar interested her enough to think of anything else. Crystal spent the night on their very comfy couch. When Dave got off of work , he showered and was hanging out with Crystal when Becka woke. Becka didn’t want to interrupt anything , but her stomach overruled her.
    Crystal thought Dave was cute but was hip to his game and left not long after. Dave was bummed but not deterred, confident since he knew she would be back. Becka could not fault his logic. With no girl to woo , Dave went to sleep not long after Crystal went home. Becka spent the rest of her weekend sleeping, reading a novel , becoming addicted to Pinterest , and doing laundry .
    When Becka got to work on Monday , s he pouted when she saw Nate 's now empty cube . Work had been so much fun when she had someone around to crush on . While her computer started up , she went over to the break room and made herself a cup of hot cocoa . In her office , Becka was t he rare non-coffee drinker . She loved the smell of coffee but not the taste , unless it was a caramel Frappuccino .
    Back at her desk , Becka got to work . She spent most of her days on autopilot, depending on the type of document she was filing. Mid - morning , an icon popped up , informing her of a new email . Various corporate emails went out on a daily basis , so she wasn’t expecting anything interesting whe n she went to check it . The last thing she expected was an email from Nate Parker.
    Becka gasped , unable to open it right away . Que stions raced through her mind . Was the email just to her or to the whole team ? W hat did he write?
    Taking a deep breath , she opened it.
    Miss me yet?
    That w as all the email said . It was one sentence of three words , just to her . Becka was thrilled , even though she thought his message was a bit snotty . Two can play at that game , she thought .
    Oh, you aren’t here?
    Ouch, that hurts . Have a fun weekend?
    Becka 's mouth hurt , she was sm iling so hard . He emailed her . T hat had to mean something.
    It was fun . Went out with the girls. You?
    Didn’t do much . I had a soccer game.
    They went back and forth like this the rest of the morning . Around lunchtime , he emailed.
    Heading to Quizno's for lunch . Want to come?
    Sure . Right now ?
    In five . Meet you at the front entrance.
    Sounds good.
    Becka had brought lunch today but figured she could just eat it the next day . She pulled out her compact , checked her makeup , and then popped a stick of vanilla mint gum into her mouth . Becka was thrilled she hadn’t overslept and looked cute today . She was wearing a black and white chevron printed she ath dress with a coral cardigan . Becka texted Lucy an OMG Nate asked me out to lunch before she left. She met Nate at the main entrance of their building .
    Nate worked on the second floor while her office was on the first . He was already there waiting for her . She admired him as she approached . Nate was wearing khaki slacks with a light blue - striped dress s hirt . All she could think was “ don’t trip, don’t trip, don’t trip ” as she approached him. He looked edible, and Becka would be inches away fr om him in his car in a minute.
    In his car! Becka was not sure why that thought excited her so much , but she was also thrilled to see there was no one else coming with them . She could pretend it was a date . Easy crazy person, she thought to herself . This is just lunch .
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