deep inside her. Something she didn’t want to feel. She tried to focus on detail instead of emotion. His eyes. They were dark. Darker than brown, yet lighter than black. A flicker of light was evident in the corners. Almost like a twinkle. It surprised her and she lost her focus again.
“Better,” he smiled. She watched his lips spread into a grin and noticed how soft and full they were. A light shade of pink set against his dark skin. She couldn’t see his teeth, but she imagined they were bright white and perfect.
His hair fell further down his forehead than she’d seen in pictures. In fact, a tendril fell right into his eye as he looked directly at her. His entire appearance was not what she’d expected. Even after looking at hundreds of photographs, she felt as though she didn’t recognize him.
Her stomach was flip-flopping as he continued to smile at her.
“Do you prefer Melissa or Agent Fuller?” he asked in a softer tone than he’d previously spoken to her.
“Call me whatever you like, scumbag.” She answered honestly. At that point she didn’t feel like she cared. She just wanted him to continue talking.
She was having an internal battle with herself. Good and evil. The desire to capture him. The desire to touch him. They were fighting it out and she wasn’t sure which side was going to win. Mostly, she wasn’t sure which side she wanted to win. But in that moment, lying there looking up at him, she kind of wished she’d listened to Logan’s original plan. Damn that man.
“You don’t like Asher Hudson, Agent Fuller, but you can’t get enough of me.” He leaned closer until those dark eyes were all that she could see. Until she saw herself reflected in them, and there was no denying how horny she looked.
He was close enough to kiss. “Am I right?”
She nodded. Something in her automatically did as he asked. It confused her. She was the law. She should be in charge. She was trying to capture him. Yet, she couldn’t even ignore a question. She couldn’t even fucking lie.
There was a part of her screaming that this was a dangerous man. He was on the other side of the law. A criminal. A high profile thug who ought to be locked away for a long time.
But the throb between her thighs told a different story. One of attraction. Desire. Longing. She tried to blow it off to lack of sex for the foreseeable past, but something inside her said it was the man and not the moment.
“Why don’t you like Asher Hudson? Did he do something to you?” he looked deep into her eyes and she knew there was nothing she could hide from him. The stare pierced her, peeled away her defenses layer by layer until the only thing left was raw naked desire. And the whole time, he remained just out of reach from her lips.
“You are a criminal,” she answered in a whisper. “You do bad things. It’s my job to take bad people out of business.”
“I wish you wouldn’t judge me like that.” He smiled at her. “I’m not the bad guy you think I am. Except for when you want me to be.” His wink sent a chill through her body.
Asher slowly slipped the cuffs and ties off of her wrists and ankles. The freedom surprised her and she wanted to ask. But she kept quiet and waited. Something inside her told her that she shouldn’t speak.
“Are you surprised I set you loose?” He looked back at Melissa and she nodded. “I’m not the monster you think I am.” he grinned. “Yes, I plan to punish you for violating my privacy. But that’s only because I know you want me to.”
His words made her tingle. Punishment she wanted? That sounded appealing. Melissa watched him walk across the room to pour himself a drink. She watched as he silently put the glass to his lips and sipped. Her tongue ran across her own lips at the sight. She wasn’t sure if it was the drink or the man she was thirsting for.
“Don’t get me wrong, Agent Fuller,” he kept