anything wrong.
He drew her closer to his body and brawny arms banded around her, holding her tight against a wide, muscular chest. Her harsh breathing was the only sound she could hear for the longest time and then gradually a new sound penetrated her fear—the heavy thud of James’s heartbeat against her ear. She heard his voice softly whispering to her. Shushing her as he swayed with her in his arms.
Shelley came back to the present with a crash. What was she doing? She pulled away from him and was vaguely disappointed when he let her go. “I’m sorry,” she murmured as she took another step backward.
James was staring intently at her. “Where were you born, Shelley? What’s your family name? How old are you?”
She swallowed back the lump in her throat that threatened to choke her. There was no way she was telling him that, as best as she could figure, she was around fifty years old. She didn’t look a day over thirty and, considering the harsh life she’d led, she felt more like a hundred. “Don’t you know you shouldn’t ask a woman her age?” Her feeble attempt at a joke fell flat.
Frustration filled James’s face for the first time as he raked his fingers through his hair, dislodging the leather thong that had been holding it back. His long brown hair with the silvery streaks at the sides fell around his face. His dark eyes snapped with impatience, deepening the tiny lines radiating from the outer corners. His jaw was dark with stubble, his lips pursed. He looked wild and untamed.
Deep inside her, a small kernel of yearning sprang to life, shocking her. The longer he stared at her, the more it grew. A pulsing began low in her belly, frightening her. After all she’d been through, the last thing she thought she’d ever want was a man. But this man, or wolf, or whatever he was, standing in front of her was making her feel things she didn’t want to feel.
“You have to go.” Shelley felt unstable, out of control. The wolf within her was stirring to life, and she was afraid she didn’t have enough energy to fight the beast back into submission.
“You have to go,” she repeated, fearing what would happen if he didn’t. She didn’t know what to do. Stand, run or attack?
Chapter Two
“Shelley!” A voice thundered. The kitchen door flew open, crashing against the wall, to reveal a huge man with large meaty hands clenched at his sides. He was totally bald, but his flaming red mustache was an indicator of his legendary temper.
His face was flushed as he lumbered forward. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? I’m not paying you to stand around doing nothing, you lazy bitch.” Gus himself was the reason that this diner didn’t have too much trouble. He was so big and volatile that most people walked softly around him.
“I’m sorry. I’ll get right to the cleaning.” She could feel James watching her, but didn’t care. She needed this job.
“Damn right you will. I’ll be docking an hour’s pay from your check. That will teach you to be lazy. I don’t pay good money for no work.”
Shelley tried to scurry out of his way, but it was too late. He shoved a table in front of her, cutting off her path to freedom. Her voice shook and her legs trembled.
“That’s fine. I’ll get right on the cleaning.”
“Shelley.” James said her name softly, but she didn’t dare look at him. He didn’t know Gus. The last thing she wanted was for him to get hurt on her behalf.
“You can stay later today too. I won’t put up with anyone who tries to cheat me.” He pointed his finger threateningly at her face. His large hand was only inches away. Shelley drew back. She didn’t think Gus would strike her, but she wasn’t taking any chances. Better to be safe.
A hand shot out in front of her, catching Gus’s wrist before his hand could move any closer. Gus’s face got redder and redder, sweat popping out on his brow as he tried to free himself. He swung his free hand, fisting it