Taking It All: A Hellfire Riders MC Romance (The Motorcycle Clubs Book 6) Read Online Free

Taking It All: A Hellfire Riders MC Romance (The Motorcycle Clubs Book 6)
Book: Taking It All: A Hellfire Riders MC Romance (The Motorcycle Clubs Book 6) Read Online Free
Author: Kati Wilde
Tags: Erotic Romance, Motorcycle Club romance, Novella
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any further, man. I’m just backing you up now.”
    I know he is. But as I’m still struggling to answer without blowing up, Spiral says dryly, “So here’s another reason not to see this law enforced. Our prez will kill any of us that show our admiration by touching her.”
    Fucking right I would. “Then how about you all show your admiration by having a little respect for what she’s been through and letting this one go. She is skittish. This isn’t about ignoring one rule and enforcing another. This is about recognizing that we have two rules in conflict, and we have to decide which is more important: not hurting women or observing this First Lady clause. But that’ll be decided in the next meeting. New business now is the Titans. Anything else on them?”
    Goose’s hand shoots up. “Will you be appointing new officers and drawing from their ranks?”
    That’s another power Lucifer held close—the president personally appoints every officer, from VP to treasurer. He also chooses the handful of non-officer members who sit on the executive board. “I’m giving Blowback the title of Warlord and bringing in Thorne as my new veep. You know him?”
    Nods all around and some quick glances toward Blowback, whose expression hasn’t altered from the flat cold stare he always wears. Some will see this move as a demotion but it’s not. As warlord, he’ll only answer to me—and his role won’t include the responsibilities that never sat easy on him. It gives more freedom than he had before.
    “Thorne’s solid,” I say. “He’s been the Titans’ veep from the beginning. With him acting as my right hand, this integration should go as smooth as it can. I’ll also pull one or two of their men onto the executive board, so that we’re more likely to catch on to any friction before it turns into something bigger. To that end: Does anyone here have an issue with an individual Titan? And don’t bring up any petty shit that you might have with any brother. I don’t care if a Titan fucked your mama or your girl. I’m talking the kind of shit that breaks this deal.”
    When nothing comes up, I tell them, “All right, then. Next week we’re holding another meeting and we’ll vote to bring the Titans in or not. If we do, we’ll walk out of here with more than a dozen new brothers.”
    Knucklehead raises his hand. “Are we voting on whether we’re following through on the First Lady clause, too?”
    So they’re going to fucking push this? But there’s no other answer to give. Jaw clenched, I nod.
    “Good thing,” Knucklehead says, holding my gaze. “Because it’s not her, Prez. It’s that you held to the letter of the law when you let Zoomie in. I didn’t like it, but I went with it. I took it. Now you’ve got to take this to the letter, because I want a fucking president who stands by his word.”
    “The day my word is shit is the day I’ll walk.” I raze all of them with a furious look. “Any fucking doubts about that?”
    A chorus of “No, boss” comes back. Damn right.
    “Anything else?” I only wait one second. “Then this meeting’s adjourned. For those of you heading to the Den, we’re riding out in ten.”
    Because I need to see my woman.

Chapter Two
    The deep rumble of motorcycle engines announces the Riders’ arrival. Anticipation and a bit of worry tighten the back of my neck. It’s late. I’ve been shooting the shit with Anna for almost two hours now, so the meeting probably didn’t go as smoothly as Saxon hoped it would.
    One look at him and I’m sure it didn’t. Saxon walks in ahead of the others, a big, dangerous package of muscle and doesn’t-give-a-fuck. He’s a hard man to read, never giving much away, so the anger I detect in the clench of his bearded jaw and the tense line of his shoulders means that he’s really pissed.
    His intense blue gaze zeroes in on me.
    Shit. Nerves tangle in my stomach. An angry Saxon is intimidating as hell. I love him like crazy and
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