True Love Lost (An FBI Romance Thriller (book 3)) Read Online Free Page A

True Love Lost (An FBI Romance Thriller (book 3))
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blue-black eyes and the smile were stunning. When he called to ask a question, there were little butterflies in her stomach. The sexy radar went off the charts, and then it promptly stopped when she remembered his wife.
    Director Special Agent Ethan Blackhawk had a very deadly looking, ass kicking, body hiding wife that could drop kick all one hundred and five pounds of her back to Quantico easily.
    Desdemona laughed out loud. Okay that was a definite exaggeration, but that’s the impression one would get. There were rumors around the lab that Elizabeth Blackhawk wasn’t to be messed with, and she believed each one of them. 
    Preservation demanded it.
    As a scientist she was a firm believer in the theory of ‘ survival of the fittest’ . Her survival depended on staying out of Elizabeth Blackhawk’s range and under the radar.
    Walking through her house, she admired the grandness of it. Growing up as a kid she was poor. No, that’s not true. She was three levels below poor. The Bayou wasn’t exactly a place of riches and wealth. The people there were simple, and they liked it that way. When she worked for a few years, she realized that her career wasn’t going to go away, and it was okay to spend some of her salary. When she moved to FBI West, and Doctor Leonard gave her the salary being offered for the position, she really relaxed. Yeah, the house was an investment, but at the time the stalker had been leaving her alone.
    Damn it! Didn’t she deserve to have something she loved? Why was her life so void of happiness and friendship? Deep down she wanted to trust, but in the same recesses of her heart where she longed to fit in, she also knew it was never going to happen.
    Doctor Desdemona Adare was destined to be a loner. But now all she really wanted was to have a safe place to call home. She’d forgo the love and friendship to just be safe.
    It was her secret hope and dream.
    Running her fingers up the mahogany banister, she appreciated every single thing in her house and cherished it all. This was her home, and from the top of the line security system to the dog she planned on buying. She was going to feel secure.
    One way or another.
    Standing in her closet, she looked through all the clothes and settled on the most logical for the weather. Dressing, she glanced into the mirror and smiled. Yeah, her choice was a little silly, especially when you worked for the FBI, but it made her smile. And that’s what mattered.
    Life was too short to be what other’s wanted you to be.
    Desdemona Adare gave up trying to fit in, and now all she was striving for was to just find the one thing that she prayed was achievable.
    Red River
    The previous afternoon
    Red River was a tiny town just outside the snowy mountains. Nothing earth shattering ever happened there, and that was what James Duffy liked most about it. As sheriff of the town, he could come and go as he wanted, and take the day off if he so desired. Red River was a living, breathing quintessential Norman Rockwell painting, and that’s how he hoped it would always stay.
    Strolling back into his office, after taking the morning off, he found that everyone that was supposed to be on duty was indeed there. Sheila Court, his secretary, was busy filing some reports that the deputies had completed earlier in the day. Julian Littlemoon was sitting at his desk, filling out his logs for the day.
    “Jimmy,” she said, nodding. “How was your morning off?”
    Sheriff James Duffy tipped his cowboy hat and considered the question. “Well, I got wood hauled in, and I managed to sneak in a nap too,” he said , grinning the good ole boy smile that always worked with the ladies.
    “Lucky you,” Sheila Court answered back, cracking her gum. Working for Duffy was a mixed blessing. There was the truly awesome part of having a hot boss to think about all day, and then there was the bad part. James Duffy was a skirt chaser. He’d chase, catch,
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