True Love Lost (An FBI Romance Thriller (book 3)) Read Online Free Page B

True Love Lost (An FBI Romance Thriller (book 3))
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sleep with and then move on to the next skirt. Where she liked her men to be a little more monogamous, and a lot less tag them and bed them.
    Red River was a tiny town, and there weren’t really any eligible bachelors worth the time or effort. The town bordered an Indian Reservation, and quite a few Natives worked in town. Not that she cared either way, but she didn’t really find Indian men sexy. She liked them blue-eyed, blonde, and less smart than herself. That way she could use the fine art of manipulation.
    Flirt, wink, and buy me a drink. It was easy and she liked easy. Native men took too much effort, and that was time spent not focused on her.
    “Yeah, I guess I am lucky,” Duffy answered, heading into his office. “I’m going to take care of some paperwork. Why don’t you call it a day, Sheila? It seems pretty quiet here, and it looks like there might be some snow coming tonight. I think I can answer my own phone for the rest of shift.”
    “Thanks Jimmy. I think I will,” she said, standing. “But if you need anything, you give me a call you hear?”
    James Duffy knew why she’d want the call. Sheila was a good person, but she also was a tad bit on the gossip-y side. When she wanted to dig for information, she would find it like a pig on a truffle hunt. The Sheriff grinned as he thought about that analogy, and how it would get his ass kicked if she even got wind of it. So it was best to just keep it his own private joke in his head. The blonde was high maintenance and would shit a ton of bricks if she heard herself being compared to a pig.
    “Night Jimmy,” Sheila called from the other room. The minute the door closed behind her there was the sound of desk chair scraping the wooden floor.
    “Thanks for sending her home,” Julian Littlemoon said from the doorway.
    James Duffy laughed. “Rough afternoon?”
    “Oh yeah, it wasn’t pretty here while you were gone,” he answered, entering and sitting down in the spare chair. Julian Littlemoon liked his boss a great deal. Then again, he was pretty laid back for the only Native on staff. He rolled with just about everything, because he had to working there.
    “What did Sheila do?” he asked, almost afraid to have to deal with it. Along with being a gossip, Sheila tended to be a bit… bitchy.
    Julian Littlemoon was his eyes and ears when he wasn’t around. He trusted the man completely. When it came to being a deputy, he just had that innate skill to be present but be unseen. The very dark brown eyes missed nothing. Julian Littlemoon was good at blending into the crowd and finding things that went missing. If you needed something tracked down, ask Julian Littlemoon.
    He was your man.
    The irony behind it all was that Julian was imposing in size and you’d think he’d be the center of attention, especially since he didn’t really look like the rest of the community.
    “ The mayor called this afternoon, to inform us that there have been a few complaints about the abandoned Boy Scout camp off the river.”
    “No, apparently there’s a smell.”
    James Duffy leaned back in his chair. “Okay, and what did Sheila say to him, or don’t I want to know?”
    Littlemoon laughed. “You probably don’t want to know. I did hear her tell him that he was more than welcome to come down Monday morning and talk to you personally about cutting the funding to the department.” Julian snickered at the look on his face.
    “Well shit that can’t be good,” he said, flipping through his missed call notes on his desk. “He called four times?”
    “About that many I suppose. I was out on patrol for a few hours.”
    “Son of a bitch,” he muttered.
    “ Yeah those words came up too.” Julian saluted him and headed back out to his desk. He was off duty in less than two hours, and he hoped it wouldn’t drag by like it usually did. What he wouldn’t give for some excitement. Working on his Rez would be more exciting, than playing desk jockey on

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